Count unique values based on a different column, both columns include multi select
Hello, I have a partner column (multi-select) and a district column (multi-select). In the sheet summary I am trying to determine the number of unique districts each partner is working with. There are over 100 districts so I need a generic formula that doesn't require me to find a district by name. I prefer to do this in…
How to join columns based on location?
I have a form that will be completed by leaders to indicate their availability. I can use the join function easy enough to collect responses for all weeks but I would like the join to be specific to location. For example: Column 1 = Market Column 2 =Week 1 Availability Column 3 = Week 2 Availability Column 4 = Week 3…
Excluding duplicates from formula
Hi there! Had a wonderful talk with a Pro Support the other day, and he helped me write an incredible formula for counting "Left to Sell" value on sales items our team is selling. However, I noticed after the fact that it is counting each item as 1 sale, and there may be some sales that cover multiple items but should only…
Countifs with Or Function
I'm trying to count people from another sheet where the goal year equals the one reference on the current row and the Status could be a few other options, so I thought the easiest would be the OR function with counting everything including blank, but not "Agent Not in Count". The formula below gives me an #Unparseable…
Count & Contains
I got this to work for part of my issue however, I have a sheet that has a "Action Required By" multi-select contact column. I just want to count all the times that a name appears in this column. However, no matter what I try I am getting either a 0 or 1 and the name appears more than 5 times.. Here are the formulas I have…
Countifs in a Column Properties with Multi Select
I have a sheet collecting best times available for each of the 10 courses available, the multi select drop down is: Monday Morning (7a-12p) Monday Mid-Day (12p-4p) Monday Evening (4p-9p) Tuesday Morning (7a-12p) Tuesday Mid-Day (12p-4p) Tuesday Evening (4p-9p) Wednesday Morning (7a-12p) Wednesday Mid-Day (12p-4p) Wednesday…
Sumifs, Constains, and Dates
I'm trying to calculate the average time it takes to close a ticket. I know that I want to use SUMIFS/COUNTIFS. The COUNTIFS formula works fine: =COUNTIFS([Initiative/Program]:[Initiative/Program], CONTAINS("Metrics/Reporting", @cell), [Start/Raised]:[Start/Raised], AND(@cell <= TODAY(), @cell > TODAY(-30))) I'm struggling…
Identifying a ticked checkbox in an =IF formula for a Health column
I have the following formula so that if an Account column checkbox is checked the health status (which are symbols) column is blue. And I want the health to show Red, Green, or Yellow if the Account column checkbox is not checked by varying degrees of days before the price sheet due date. I put this in, but it says…
Stop counting days when a row is approved
Hello all!! Im hoping to get some help with calculating a day count for my sheet. Currently, we have "=TODAY() - [Date Received]@row," in the "Days in queue," column which counts the days from when we receive an action to the current date, but we would like to add a formula to where the count stops once the "Approval Sent"…
Previous Weeks Formula
Hello! I need to develop a formula to count the number of opportunities awarded this week and then compare to previous weeks. I have a helper column on my source sheet to list the week number for the awarded date. For Awarded Opportunities This Week the following formula is working: =COUNTIFS({Opportunity Intake study…