Combinación de COUNTIF y FIND
Hola comunidad, estoy intentando crear una formula para saber el numero total de actividades de una persona en especifica :( pero no me da resultado tengo mi columna "Estado" (donde aparece "Completado, Pendiente y Retrasado) y mi columna "Asignado a" (donde hay varios nombres de personas) = CONTAR.SI ([Asignado a]:…
Formula for symbols
Hello team, I have created a Health column that is dependent on the project status column. Chose properties to be symbols red, yellow, green, blue. I have created the formula below but the results returned are spelling out the colour name when I want the symbol. What am I doing wrong? 😔
Automated Message Response to Form Completion
I have a form that has a fair amount of branching in it with multiple columns and I have my automation setup to email for approval when a new line is created. My problem is with all the branching the form that is emailed has a lot of blank sections. Is there a way to only include the columns with data? I see the automation…
Total Price Column for Parent is summation of Total price of Children
Hi, Can I know what formula to use in order to achieve Total Price Column for Parent is summation of Total price of Children. When I did convert to column formula it came with 0 value. I had used =SUM(CHILDREN()) and also the column properties is Text/Numbers. Thanks in advance. Krunal
OR function with Index(Collect?
Hi, I am have some trouble getting the OR function to work with an Index(Collect. This is the formula. =IFERROR(OR(INDEX(COLLECT({Video Attach}, {MSN}, [New MSN]@row, {Description}, Description@row), 1), IF(Photos@row = 1, 1, 0) "") The goal of the formula is to match columns 'MSN' and 'Description' with another sheet and…
Formula for Average
Hola comunidad, alguno de ustedes a podido o pueda ayudarme en crear una formula para calcular el promedio en dias en que una persona completa sus actividades??????:I **Translated via Google Translate** Hello community, any of you have been able or can help me to create a formula to calculate the average number of days in…
COUNTIFS with Dates
I'm trying to count the number of projects in the Public Works Department that have been updated after 11/14/2021. The below formula keeps coming back as #UNPARSEABLE. Can someone help tell me what's wrong with the formula. =COUNTIFS([LAST_UPDATE]:[LAST_UPDATE], >=DATE(2021, 11,…
Populate a date based on column status
Within the grid, there are 3 columns with dates that are updated by various teams. There is a 4th date column that I will need to read the other 3 columns and choose one based on what the "Status" column reads. If the status@row is "Complete" or "Not applicable", then I will need the "Steve Report Date" column to pull the…
If this and this and this then.......
I am trying to figure out a formula to tell me if something is "Currently Active". The way I have it setup currently is if today() is within my start date and end date cells it shows "True" in my Currently Active cell. I am using this formula. =IF(AND(TODAY() >= [Impairment Start Date]2, TODAY() <= [Impairment End Date]2),…
I think INDEX MATCH function? Help Please
Hello, I am looking to pull in information from one sheet to another in a column formula that matches certain criteria in one spreadsheet. Below please find a more detailed write-up of what I am trying to do. In screenshot one I am tying to create a formula that takes the "Total Committed Hours This Pay Period" from…