Security Measures
I am looking for direction on how to best control access to sheets once an employee is no longer with the company. I plan to have over 100 employee's with access to a dashboard that contains information that if they are no longer employed should really not have access to. Aside from trying to ensure I am notified at each…
Formula on a Gant Chart
I have a production sheet for units to be manufactured with a Gant Chart and dependencies. I also have the total number of units to be manufactured as well as the value per unit on my sheet. I would like to expand my sheet to include the value of the units manufactured per day. Is it possible to add a formula onto a Gant…
Unable to create absolute reference to a cell in smartsheet.
Hello, I am trying to create an absolute reference to the cell Test1 for example, where Test is the column and 1 is the row. In order, to make the absolute reference I add $ in front of the column name and in front of the row number, $Test$1. However, whenever I, for example, insert a row above that cell or sort the…
Using the IF and FIND function multiple times
=IF([INT REQ]@row = "No", "Not Needed", IF(FIND("TH", [APPT LOCATION]@row) > 0, "Teams", " ")) The above formula works just fine. What I want it to do is look for certain initials and assign different modalities. For example, if the APPT LOCATION starts with "TH" it will assign Teams. So far so good. I also want it to look…
Counting Number of Installed Stores
Hello Smartsheeters, I am trying to count the number of installed stores using Smartsheet. I was able to use COUNTIF to get the number of chains that are installed by parsing the "Status" column: =COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Installed") However, I have another column that lists the number of installed stores/branches per chain…
Counting dates by week, months and year formula
Hi, I have a SmartSheet which logs enquiries. I need to create KPI report to measure the number on enquiries that are logged that day, this week, this month, last month, and year. Also a monthly running today for example Jan = 40, Feb = 50 and so on. Below is a screenshot of my Smartsheet and the column used for the date…
Can Smartsheet do an "if" "then"
Example would be I have two columns. I'm trying to populate column 2 based on the value of column 1 as follows: if the value in column1 is $75,000 - 250,000 then populate column 1 with $2500 if the value in column1 is $251,000 - $1,000,000 then populate column 1 with $5000 if the value in column1 is $1,000,000 or above…
Count number of times "Yes" shows within a date range
Hello, I am trying to get a count of how many times Yes appears within a date range - i.e. July = 2 x Yes, August = 1 x Yes. I have been trying with the COUNTIF function but haven't worked it out yet. I am trying to return the value on a separate sheet to where the data is located. If anyone could assist that would be…
I have a formula that works and I need to add an additional criteria to improve the use of my sheet
=IF([Intake Status]@row = "Assigned to CHC", "C" + [Intake ID (auto-generates)]@row, " ") I need to add another selection from my Intake Status row, "Pod 2 - Health Services" so that whenever someone selects either of these two from the drop down it will auto generate a client number. I've tried multiple formulas and the…
Formula no longer working
I have had a formula written for over a year and it just broke this morning saying it is now an #invalid operation. =City@row + ", " + State@row + " / " + [Location Number]@row + " - " + [Comp Short]@row