No. of sheets updated in report when pointed in the Folder
Hi, May I ask for some advice on this: I am building a KPI portal for our team where manager can see overdue tasks for each resources. Resources are assigned per project so for each projects there are 1 Smartsheet project plan stored in active projects folder. A report created per resource to check overdue task, if sheet…
Reports - How do I create a report to give me the flag column?
I created a sheet that has a Flag column. I built a formula in the flag column to indicate when a number is within a range. =IF([Total of Buckets Weighed]@row < 25, 1, IF([Total of Buckets Weighed]@row > 35, 1, 0)) - This formula works fine. The problem is when I am creating a report and the flag column doesn't appear with…
Calculation from Smartsheet forms via different smartsheet
Hi, Thank you in advance for your help, I am trying to do a calclation from a smartsheet forms that i am sending to my team and they are answering few questions. Based on their answers, I am trying to gives values to these answers by using automatisation cross sheets using IF formulas. I have 3 smart sheets : Smartsheet…
Restructure name
Hello, What is the easiest way to turn First Last into Last, First? The below formula worked in Excel, but is there an alternative to "Search" in Smartsheets? =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-SEARCH(" ",A2))&", "&LEFT(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2)-1)
Lock Vlookup
Hello, With the below vlookup, I'm pulling new employee's trainers. However sometimes the trainer changes midway through the class, is there a way to lock in the first trainer that is pulled? =VLOOKUP([Employee ID]@row, {New Hire Trainer}, 10, false)
Stoplight based on date and status
Hi Community! I'm at a hard stop on stoplights (pun intended). I am looking to populate stoplights on a sheet based on days to due date and status of a line. Columns on sheet below, with the "At risk?" being where I'd like my stoplights: I would like to populate a green stoplight for the following conditions: -If today's…
COUNTIFS formula question combining date condition and text condition
Why does the first formula fail when it is a combination of the bottom 2? The column is a Text/Number column Asia formula: =COUNTIFS({CSA UK Surveillance Region}, =[Primary Column]@row, {CSA UK Surveillance Db. Expiry Date}, <TODAY(+90)) Europe formula: =COUNTIFS({CSA UK Surveillance Db. Expiry Date}, <TODAY(+90)) North…
Populating a checkbox based on the value from another worksheet
I have a checkbox column on one worksheet that I would like checked based on the data from another sheet - basically changed to "Approved". The first sheet is named Project Documentation Tracker and the second sheet is named Approved Selections. It would be based on Approved Selections Column Category = Project…
Suggestions for changes to smartsheet
Hi, I am not able to find the link to suggest changes to smartsheets. Is there one? We mark items where there is an automation to send to an email. If we mark different rows without waiting several minutes in between, smartsheet sends them combined and in a horizontal format. This is time consuming because the horizontal…
% of checked off tasks by task category
Hello! I'm attempting embed a tracker for understanding progress completion by different categories within a project plan. See screenshot below! This formula is supposed to count if a task is checked off within the hub and spoke category / total number of items (checked or checked) within that category to give me a percent…