New to Smartsheet - Setting alerts once status has changed
Hi all, I hope you are all doing well. I have tried to incorporate Smartsheet into my daily workings and hope you may be able to help. Seemingly, Excel is far easier when setting rules, but with automation needed I decided to use Smartsheet. Currently, I have a project on hold sheet which records all projects that are…
COUNTIF for "Dropdown (Multi Delect)"
Hi all, I'm hoping you might be able to help me. I'm putting together a Benefits tracker for my organisation's project portfolio, which aims to identify and categorise the Non-financial benefits (NFBs) that our projects will seek to realise. One of the aims of this tracker is to be able to quantify how many projects are…
IF Formula for Upcoming Date
I am attempting to pull in the next upcoming date, based on a specific clients name. At first I was thinking I would have a reference sheet for each client and use a MIN(COLLECT formula to pull in the next upcoming payroll date, which worked. Example of formula that worked: =MIN(COLLECT({Due Date}, {Due Date}, @cell >…
How do I use OR function in a COUNTIFS?
Hello! I am currently trying to use a COUNTIFS function to see how many projects are in a specific phase of development, but I only want to count those projects which are under the "Iceland" or "Iceland Foods Ltd - Retail" account to get a total view of the account. This is currently the formula I have: =COUNTIFS({NPD…
What is the formula that I will need to track how many completed projects an employee has worked on
Here it the formula I was trying but I kept getting an #INVALID REF. =COUNTIFS({DCIM Projects 2020-2021 Range 1}, ="Complete", AND({DCIM Projects 2020-2021 Range 2,="Susan ****"})) (Replaced employees last name with * for privacy) We have a few projects that take multiple employees and some that it is individual. I am…
Forms - Email Confirmation Help
I setup a workflow automation to send an email confirmation to individuals who registered for one of our events. The email confirmation reflecsts my name "Brandy Allen" as the sender. Is there a way to remove my name as a sender, or create another name in its place?
VLOOKUP in a separate sheet not working
Hi, I have created a sheet where I have a series of checkboxes on each row where each checkbox represents a particular service that we provide. I then have a column function that is meant to add up all the services selected by checking the checkboxes. The function works in general, but I am experiencing a really weird…
CONTAINS not returning results
I'm having an ongoing problem with using CONTAINS to count the occurrence of a value in a multi-select column. Here is my sample data: Here is the formula: =IF(CONTAINS("East", [Column2]:[Column2]), "Yes", "No") As you can see, the first and second-to-last row should return "Yes" and the rest should return No, but they are…
Creating a mastersheet
Anyone can help me to create a mastersheet to pull in info from several sheets? eg I need a total on the mastersheet to be reflecting a tally from the individual sheets. So column total in sheet 1 and sheet 2 = total in sheet 3 (mastersheet)
Checkbox if 2 Criteria Met from Different Sheet
What am I missing: I have a date and time from a master sheet, if both match want the checkbox in a second sheet I can get the the formula to work if separate but when I tray and combine they do not work Date Check Formula: check box works =IFERROR(IF(INDEX({Test Range 2}, MATCH(Date@row, {Test Range 2}, 0)) <> "", 1, 0),…