Countif except N/A's
I have two columns that I'm trying to build a countif function for. First column has a value: A,B,C. Second column is checkboxes with N/A if the team member is not required to complete. End result I would like to get a final count of all the A's that are required to complete the training. =countifs(columnA:columnA, "A",…
Formula Help w/AND
Hello Community! I really struggle with formula syntax. Here is what I'm trying to do. I have a project plan and when certain milestones complete, I want to count the actual "widgets" I completed. My project plan has multiple phases so the completion of each phase adds more widgets to the bucket and I want to reflect that…
RE: Displaying percentage
Hello, I am having some issues obtaining % in some columns with the exception of the first application. I am using a similar formula but only getting it correct for the first application, i.e I am getting a true percentage. The other applications resulted in getting a fraction instead of %. Can anyone say what am I doing…
Merging Lines from 2 or 3 smartsheets to one smartsheet
Hi, Actually i have several forms that I am sending to be completed by my clients. However, I would like to put all the informations obtained in only one smartsheet. I would like to migrate the informations from theree smartsheets in only one, thank you in advance for your help.
I need to make this formula more compact/ fit into a cell. Any Ideas??
=COUNTIFS({[Orange] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 1}, [ABC Name:]@row, {[Orange] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 3}, @cell = "NEWS - Pull/Send", {[Orange] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q2] Range 4}, AND(@cell >= TODAY(-8), @cell <= TODAY())) + COUNTIFS({[Orange] Service Support KPI - [2022: Q1] Range 1},…
help with my Sumif formula when criteria in another column matches
Hello SS Community, I would like to sum a range of sells if it matches the criteria in another cell. Overview- I want the total of all Approved Quotes, Placeholder, Quotes Received. This is the formula I used and it is UNPARSEABLE =SUMIF([Estimated Total (Before tax and shipping)]8:[Estimated Total (Before tax and…
Multiple Approval and levels of Escalation
I seem to be running into a brick wall. I am trying to set up an approval process that can have multiple tiers. I have a worksheet that assigns someone based on the territory. All the while I am needing to track on the worksheet where the approval is currently... Territory: CA, WA, AZ = Bill Jones, ID, NV OR = Bob Smith;…
Trying to place dates in monthly billing columns based on Award Start Date - Desperate for help!
Hello All, I am in desperate need of assistance, this project is making me crazy. I admit to being more comfortable in Excel, and I always think I can do things in Smartsheet that I can do in Excel until I find out I can't. I would normally use VBA to do this, and am having trouble getting a cell formula to work. Currently…
Formulas for auto creating start time / end time based on duration - Event Runsheet
Hi, I am wanting to create an event runsheet. I have a formula that automatically calculates the duration from start time / End Time but Im having trouble figuring out how to automatically calculate Start Time / End Time from Duration which is more Ideal. I could enter a Start Time & End Time in the parent row and then in…
How to get distinct values from "Host Manager Name" and "Active Contractors"?
I am trying to consolidate the "Host Manager Name" column to state the name once in the "Distinct Name" column. I would like the same for the "Active Contractors" column, to state the number once in the Max Number Column. I followed the instructions from the link below: It worked for the first row, but as I dragged the…