error Unparseable in formual
i have this formula and want to add one more critiria at the beginning. this one works good. IF([Fint Cross]@row = "NA", IF([FTST Dock Date]@row - 8 < TODAY(), "Release Job", ""), IF([Fint Cross]@row - 8 < TODAY(), IF([Main Frame %]@row > 0.5, IF([CH % comp]@row > 0.5, "Release Job", ""), ""), "")) Tried this by itself and…
Help with Creating IF Formula * PLEASE*
WHEN (NO actual survey date entered yet) If Scheduled survey date is beyond 7 days from today date – Green If schedule survey date is within 7 days from today date – yellow If scheduled survey date is today or past – Red Once an actual survey date is entered it is – blue *** GOT THE FIRST PART BUT CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO…
Trying to Selection Multiple values from one column
Need to select multiple values from a column to sum a different column. Where is this wrong please help =SUMIFS({Fastrack Total Cost}, {Fastrack Build Location},ME,{Fastrack Build Location},AK,{Fastrack Build Location},OP-UNIT3,{Fastrack Build Location},Unit 1)
Dashboard bar charts showing blanks or ceros
Hi, hope you can help me. I am building a dashboard with some charts to show counts. I created another sheet where i am creating my formulas and tables that are the ones to create my chart in the Dashboard. As you can see my formulas are working fine and are showing counting just if the number is equal or higher than 0 if…
How to count number of vendors in each country?
Hey Community, I am simply trying to calculate the quantity of contracts assigned to each vendor per country (Ex: I want to see that IBM is covering 100 contracts for us in the United Kingdom). The columns I have to use for this are the following: Vendor assigned, Covered Country (on the same sheet) Countries, Vendors (on…
Workflow: Alert someone when a date is reached
Hi, I want to set up an automatic workflow in order to receive an alert when a date is reached. The trigger will be: when a date is reached, run once on, date field "6" (column 6) Alert someone: send to contacts in a cell "2" Let's say that: - In row 1, column 6, I'll put tomorrow as the deadline (02/10/21). - In row 1,…
Achieving Optimal Index-Match Performance
I'm wondering if anyone has any insight as to whether or not Index-match works any faster when the fields being used in the look-up contain numbers only, instead of text or text/number mix? In my own anecdotal experience, sheets that use index-match on numbers-only columns do seem to open/update/save faster. But I have no…
Dynamic Approver Contact Workflow
I've have a workflow that requires two different approvers depending on the input from a form. I can automate who the approvers should be and capture their emails in the sheet, but can't work out how to get the workflow automation to send the approval email to those specific dynamic individuals. Can someone help me with…
How do I create multiple lines for separate days in a line chart?
I'm trying to create a graph for my production at our tables over a span of 7 days but I can't seem to figure out how to divide them into multiple lines instead of one continuous. The picture of the table is from a report I'm using to feed only those days into it from my original sheet. I need to make sure hours are…
Show corresponding cell based on another formula
I have a current sheet where I want to surface the next major milestone and next major milestone date. Currently there are a list of tasks and dates and a checkbox to identify that task as a "major milestone". I have a formula written to show the next upcoming milestone date, but need to, based on the date referenced,…