=COUNTIF({Resolved Date Range}, ="Resolved", IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY())) Hi Guys, need some advice- need to create a formula (above) that will count the number of tickets "Resolved" from the top sheet in the ticket status column and will count the number "Request Date" per week, month, year - to report into…
Sequential Number
I am creating a Project Numbering system in a sheet that are generated based on selected criteria's. The last 3 digits would need to be sequential numbers "000" Auto-numbering will not work for this application as the criteria's differ for each program. Follow is what the formula looks like in excel:…
Automate a Parent based on a Child?
Hello, Is there a way to automate the value in a parent cell based on what's listed in the children cells? I have a sheet set up with a column to indicate if a milestone is complete or ongoing. Some rows I have this automatically changed based on the finish date, but some rows need to be confirmed by the task owner before…
IF statement issue, can seem to get it to work
I can do it in Excel but cant seem to get it right in Smartsheet. I need to categorize for an age analysis - Current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days etc. =if(([Aging Days]@row>30,"Current"),if([Aging Days]@row>30<60,"30 Days"),if([Aging Days]@row>60<90,"60 Days"),if([Aging Days]@row>90<120,"90 Days"),if([Aging…
I need to determine if a date column is blank then it returns a message
Hello, I want help with a formula to return a message that says met goal if the date is blank or did not meet if the date is populated. I tried this formula but it is not working it returns #Unparseable =IF(ISDATE([Request Intake Range 9]1:[Request Intake Range 9]22), "met goal", "did not meet") So essentially I want to…
Universal Name Ranges
I'm looking for an option to create a universal name range that I can use across all sheets. I have created a sheet that contains the following columns Team / Office / Division I use this to translate reports that only contain Team info into Office and Division level reports by using a =VLOOKUP. However, every time I need…
Travel Ticket
Hello, Do i have the option to create a printable shop travel ticket/WO from an entry that's been created thru the online Forms. Right now we use Word to copy all needed info of smartsheet manually. Trying to automate this.
Is there a way to copy the contents of a cell from one sheet to another?
I am trying to make a metadata sheet, that pulls data from multiple other sheets. I cannot use cell linking, because I use forms to capture data. The form inserts a new row into the sheet, which doesn't have the linking. I've read cross sheet formulas can accomplish this, but I can't seem to figure out how.
Can I concatenate a field call with a predecessor field #
I am looking to call a field based on the content in the predecessor column. In this case, I can manually type in "='is blocked by' + [Issue Key]9". Once Issue Key is populated (let's say Issue Key = HelloWorld01), this will read as "is blocked by HelloWorld01". The following row may read "HelloWorld95". Rather than typing…
Date Formula Assistance
Good day, I need assistance in setting up a formula for tracking next service dates on equipment. I have two sheets - Sheet 1 is a schedule of Workdays and Sheet 2 is where the various equipment are listed with previous service dates etc. Sheet 1: Sheet 2: C3: Workdays: C1/C2 Question 1 C4: C3 + C7 (this must be based on…