Summarizing and reporting data from several sheet columns
Hey all, I'm having trouble figuring out how to summarize data for a specific time period, for a specific customers. I have a date column, a customer plant column and total defects column. My Liaisons add data to the sheet when defects are found at the customer plant for which they cover. So I have several line items for…
COUNTIFS incorrectly counting number of times a contact appears in Assigned To column
I am trying to track the number of tasks each employee is assigned to. In my Assigned To column, some cells have one contact assigned to a task and others multiple contacts. I am currently using the following function: =COUNTIFS([Assigned To]:[Assigned To], "John Smith", [Status]:[Status], <>"Complete") The function…
Dashboard Metric sheet formulas
I am new to Smartsheet and have been tasked to make a Dashboard that feeds from a large spreadsheet. I have created a metrics sheet and for the most part, it works well for the dashboard, but I haven't been able to solve the following issues; 1) How do I make the metrics sheet update when a new entry is made in the main…
Cross Referencing with IF(AND
Hi, I am simply trying to grab data from one sheet and add to another. I've done this many times before but can't seem to get this one to work. I just want to populate the first sheet below with data from the second. For example, the number for Woodland on a Monday is 68. I have tried multiple IF(AND formulas which is not…
Check a Box by Referencing Another Sheet
Hi, I've searched through several answers, but can't quite find the same case as mine, or either I don't quite understand if I've found the right answer. I need to check a box if there is a date entered in another sheet. In the picture below, each row is a different line item. If there is a date entered in the "DWGs…
Use report count value in dashboards
Hello, I am new to Smartsheets. I have tried searching in the forums, but couldn't get a resolution. Below is the scenario. In Folder - Project Type 1 Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Using Summarise function of a report, I can get the count of number of projects in each folder. Can I use this count value in a Grid or…
Hi There, I have a database where some cells have gained a perfect score of 100.00%, calculated through an average formula from three other scores. I'm trying to use countif to count the number of cells in a column that has the perfect 100% score but I either get a 0 or unparseable. Any help will be greatly appreciated...…
Help with status formula
Hi there, I need to create formulas to automatically update the status of my tasks but I keep getting an error. Can someone help? I have 2 columns: Baseline Start Date and Baseline Finish Date. I want the status column to be connected to those in the following way: In progress - if the baseline start date is equal to or…
CountIF Not Working From Referenced Sheet
I am attempting to do a count of all issues that contain a certain text from a different smartsheet, and the formula is not pulling the correct count in. My formula: =COUNTIF({C&IP Integrated Marketing Plan Range 1}, "C&IP - Corporate Growth - Organic Growth") My result: returns 0 Expected result: should return at least 5…
Count Parent rows and rows without children
Hello, We have an archive sheet where all completed projects are automatically migrated via "move row" workflow. Some projects have multiple child rows while some do not have any. I would need a formula to count a total number of completed projects regardless if they have or do not have child rows. If they have child rows,…