Send Attachments using Power automate
Hi Guys, I am trying to send attachments within a smartsheet via email using power automate. When i look on the Smartsheet actions/triggers actions in Power automate i cant see a trigger/action that would allow me to do this does anybody know if this possible?
Calculating the number of workdays between two dates, even if the dates are after business hours
Hi, I have a formula to calculate the business days between the date REQUESTED for a document, and the date ALL COMPLETE. It works fine unless the document is requested after 5pm and/or completed after 5pm PST. For instance, if the Request is 5:30 pm, and the Complete is 6:30pm same day, I’m getting -2, instead of getting…
How can I display the last value from a column into certain cell?
Hi guys, I would like to display the last value from the column "Project Phase" into a cell (in this case I would like to implement it at the first cell of the column " Project Phase". Regarding to the screenshot, this would mean that I would like to have the text "Offer Phase" to be displayed automatically in my cell at…
Formula to determine a specific date within a month based on date ranges.
Good Morning, I am trying to determine a formula to produce a specific date based on date ranges. So when a date (mm/dd/yy) is entered into a column if it is between the 1-15 day of the month, I want it to populate the 25th of the same month into a column- (mm/25/yy), however, if the date is 16-31 day of the month, I want…
how to create auto populated date column?
How to create an auto populated date column? we have a tracker of requests, we want to get completion date auto populated in very next column, once we tick the checkbox on "Done" column.
Can a column/row (box) be linked to a specific day within a timeline range?
We currently use grid where each box/column in a row is a day and each box is a color that is associated with a stage in the process. It's a make shift gantt that's not idea for updating when the actual timeline changes. I'm hoping that we can create a similar sheet in smartsheet where it links to timelines and adjusts…
IF, AND statement with 2 criteria to return text from reference sheet
Need some help.. I am referencing another sheet for all of my references I need the formula to return the name of the project if the deadline date is within 210 days from today's date and the date paid does not have a date. =IF(AND({Deadline Range 1} >= TODAY(210), {Date Paid Range 2} <> ""), {Project Range 3}, 0)
Countifs Multiple Criteria
I am trying to count multiple criteria. For example, here is my formula: =COUNTIFS({ALS Resolvion Claims Tracker (INT) Range 1}, "ART Asset Adjusters" or "Paramount Recovery", {Client A Claim Tracker (Internal) Range 1}, "NOT STARTED") When I put in the "or" and "Paramount Recovery", I get an error message. Please help!
Keeping a running balance, based on a unique identifier
Hello! I am trying to figure out how to create a tracking sheet for employee Tuition reimbursements. We allow an Annual Funding Maximum, and each time the employee submits a request, I'd like a formula to show their current available balance, based on their annual maximum. We have employee ID's as a unique identifier. The…
IFERROR Issue with Vlookup
I am currently trying to make my IFERROR to input data for one of my Smartsheets. Currently, when the data for the first Vlookup does not have an error there are no issues and the data shows up correctly. However, if the first Vlookup comes out as an error the cell will not show Incorrect Argument Set. The formula that I…