Inspect Cells Until Contents Found, Then Copy to Another Cell
I'm trying to create a column ("Latest Site Visit Notes") on my sheet that fills in with the latest site visit notes. We have existing columns for "Construction Supervisor Visit 1 Notes" thru "Construction Supervisor Visit 20 Notes". Our hundreds of projects all have various quantities of site visits performed so far. I'd…
Counting instances in each of the last 6 months on a rolling basis
Hello, I'm trying to count the number of times a type of dispute occurs within a month in the last 6 months in order to monitor trends. I want the months to roll so I don't need to adjust the formulas ever. My formula doesn't take the previous year into account and I'm not sure how to introduce it. This is what my…
How to write below formula in smartsheet
Hi . Can anyone help how to write below formula in Smartsheet
I need help on a multiple IF statement formula
I'm struggling to think through the logic to allow for the required scenarios. If the row is a master row - leave no flag as not at risk If the row is a 1st level sub heading - leave no flag as not at risk If the task isn't started by the start date = at risk! If the project has started but the review date is in the past =…
How to automate the RYG status balls
I need help to automate the RYG status balls in the "Status" column, depending on the "% Complete" for each request. This is my formula but it kept showing "Red" though I have % Complete is 75% and 100% =IF([% Complete]@row < 70, "Red", IF([% Complete]@row > 70, "Yellow", IF([% Complete]@row = 100, "Green"))) Requirement:…
SUMIFS AND Formula Help
Hello, I am attempting to calculate the sum of a PRICE column, if the COLOR column=BLUE AND the FABRIC column=TW100. If I type =SUMIFS(PRICE, FABRIC, Fabric@row, COLOR, Color@row) it calculates the total for ALL rows in sheet including a BLUE color, even if the FABRIC is not TW100. I need a formula which will only…
How can I use IF to get a % in the topmost row in a hierarchy?
The issue is that of the 4 lines there are two options based on level of completeness. I've come up with this, but it's not working. =IF(Status4 = "In Process", "10%", IF(Status4 = "Complete", "20%", IF(Status5 = “In Process”, “30%”, IF(Status5 = “Complete”, “60%”, IF(Status6 = “In Process”, “70%”, IF(Status6 = “Complete”,…
Looking to create an =IF(CONTAINS Function for a formatted Date field
Hello! I'm looking to create an =IF(CONTAINS function to pull the day of the week into a separate column from the formatted date column. For example: I want the "Event Day" column to turn Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday depending on what is in the Event Date column. I have created this…
formula question
we are using smartsheet to keep track of community park passes. i have a column for name, account #, tag # and pass #. I need to be notified / alerted if an account gets more than one pass. Is there a formula that can check for a duplicate account number when the pass # cell is not blank? In the below picture, I sorted by…
Unique Variable for JOIN function
Hi All, I am attempting to use CONTAINS in tandem with JOIN(COLLECT()) to populate courses employees must take based on the care-area in which they work. In the below example, the contents of 14A are also being pulled into 4A since they both contain "4A". Is there a way to search for 4A as an absolute? (Unfortunately, I am…