Graph of Summary Numbers
Is it possible to create a graph of the Summary Totals in a report? If not, what is the most efficient way to create a report where I can show the total of the last 7 days for 5 columns of data? It will have to be automatically updated in the graph each day. I'd rather have a graph, but I also tried to add the report to my…
Counting dates on the current week number and year
Hi, I am trying to count the number of New Patients (by Case Type) that visit on the current week and year. The below formula is working but for some reason I will get the error message "INCORRECT ARGUMENT" until I refresh or save. Once I do that it will calculate the correct count. =COUNTIFS({Date of Visit},…
Exclude weekends from date calculation
Hello, Is there a way to exclude weekends from a date calculation? I have an application with start and end dates and I want to calculate the number of days between the start and end date, not counting weekends. I have this formula working but it includes weekends so if someone takes a Friday and a Monday the calculation…
Current User/Alert Someone Automation
Hi, I have an automation that any time a comment is made a contact listed gets an email using alert someone. The issue is the email links to the report but the report is so large it is difficult to then find the comment that was made. Is there a way to make the link or report more defined when they go to it? Or at least…
Trouble using countifs referencing another sheet and adding either "NOT" or an "OR"
I am trying to write something that will do multiple countifs and either include a range of ORs or allow me to exclude rows that have a particular response in a given column. =COUNTIFS({NEOP Tracking Range 2}, [Column5]12, {NEOP Tracking Range 4}, [Column5]@row) This works great. Now I need to only see employees that have…
Tracking PTO
Does anyone know of a formula that I can use to keep track of PTO days? Screenshot shows my layout. I want the employees to be able to enter their days off throughout the year and the total be subtracted as they enter. I would also like the total days to carry into the next month. Any ideas??
NETWORKDAYS Concern With Future and Past Dates
Working on creating schedule variance icons, I am running across an issue which might be solved with absolute values of NETWORKDAYS but wanted to understand how to better structure the formula correctly. In this example I have two helper check columns Delta Check 1 and Delta Check 2 provided below. The problem I'm having…
Index/Match with duplicate data
I have having difficulty with my formula. I am trying to create a formula that will decipher between the different name of data with the same usage numbers. You can see on my attached pictures that 3 stations have utilized our program 30 times, however, it only identifies the name of the first station rather than…
The formula below works, but I have a situation where I want to count when two different attorneys are listed in the Attorney field. =COUNTIFS(Attorney:Attorney, ="Attorney1", [Contract Status]:[Contract Status], OR(@cell = "Customer Legal Review", @cell = "Pending PAC", @cell = "Pending SRTC", @cell = "Sent for…
How to indicate a row is a Parent row Yes/No
Hello, I need to create a column where it indicates if the row is a Parent row. I tried with =Parent() but it does not return anything. I need this column to create a lot of other formula columns where different conditions apply. In Microsoft Project, they have a default column call "Summary", which does the same thing. It…