I'm trying to count a group of people in column 1 and 2, but I don't want to double count them.
For example, I want to count David on Column 1 or 2, but if David is on both columns 1 and 2, I don't want it to count David twice only once. How do I do that? I've used the formula below but it counted 141 instead of 101. Not sure what I am missing but I'd appreciate your help! COUNTIFS({LCS}, OR(@cell = "name", @cell =…
Counting Specific Selections within Date Range
Hi, I am trying to count how many times a combination is selected within each month. For example, how many times does this combination pop up in the month of March I am currently playing with this formula, but keep getting error messages =COUNTIFS({LOA Tracker Range 2}, "Jordan Own", {LOA Tracker Range 5}, AND(HAS(@cell,…
using date boundaries
Hello SS community, I'm having trouble figuring out the right formula for having SS return the amount of days scheduled within a two dates. I need it to provide only positive numbers and zero for negative values. My columns are: Start date| Finish Date| Duration| Goal period start date| Goal Period end date| Goal…
Flagging a double booked room
Hi Guys I have a tracker that my team use to manage their daily tasks. However, due to COVID there can only be a specified number of people in a room at a certain time. Often rooms have been double booked, resulting in work being delayed. I want to highlight whether a room has been double booked on a specified date by an…
Using a Flagged Column to fill in a Cell
Hi all, Is it possible to create a formula that would complete a STATUS column when a flagged cell is activated (Like a checkbox). In the attached example, I would like to automatically fill in the Complete Status when the check box is TRUE in the DONE column To be clear, I am using =IF(Done@row = 1, "Complete") now but…
Using a date formula to come up with a dollar amount..??
I need help writing the correct formula for determining a dollar amount within a time range of 90 days. I have a parent row and underneath are children; projects upcoming within 120 days. I also have a contract amount listed in another column in respects to each row. I want to find out the dollar amount of the contracts…
What formulas to use in a timesheet solution to SUM up values
Hello, I have used one of the great solutions that has been posted by, I believe, @Paul Newcome relating to tracking and working out time/duration of hours in a HH:MM format. There are 2 columns to achieve this - the first uses a formula to work out the numerical duration: =((VALUE(LEFT([End Time]@row, FIND(":", [End…
What formula to use for selective total sum by GEO
I have a spreadsheet (see below). I'd like to create a formula on a different sheet that can pull data from this sheet and show totals by GEO. So I'd like to have one for AMER, EMEAR and one for APJC. Would I use SUMIF? I'm new to formulas and having a hard time understanding the process when creating the formula. Seems…
My SUMIF formula stopped working and I don't know what's wrong!
So I have this formula and it was working fine, but I updated the sheet with new people - new names in the intern field and so changed the formula to align with the new names. Now it's showing as an Operational error, but I have no idea what's wrong - anybody have an idea??
Automatically Export a Spreadsheet/PDF for every unique column value
I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to automatically export a report for each unique column value. Currently I need to export a report filtered for one client, then filter for another client name and export, filter for another client and export, etc. There are 50 clients currently and the number will be growing…