Conditional Copy from Sheet A to Sheet B
Hi everyone - have looked through the forums for items like "conditional cell linking" (which would be awesome), but cannot find what i am looking for; not sure if this is possible, super complex, or something very basic/simple that i am glossing over. Essentially, i am trying to move data entered in "tableA" to "tableB"…
Help w/automatic Status formula
Hi team - I have a Status column that includes: Not Started In Progress Complete I created this formula that appears to work other than when all required fields have information, it does not go to Complete: =IF(COUNTIF([1. Aware of XXX vulnerability?]@row, <>"") + COUNTIF([2. Does org use XXX XXX?]@row, <>"") +…
If a postal code doesn't match another line item for the same employee ID - check a box
I need to compare the postal code in two or more rows with the same Employee ID to make sure they match each other. If they don't then to check a box for Attention: Zip Code. For instance, below, we have 4 line items for one person. The City is Atlanta and the State is GA and Postal code is 30339. Since there is also a…
How to show a "Completion Status" column based off of certain cells containing value?
Hello Smartsheet community, I have a database containing the amount of training specific employees have received. I would like to create a formula that is able to recognize what level someone is at and then the training needed for that level. If they have received the training it would show as "complete." If they have not…
formula question
I have a sheet that has columns of Color Status, As Sold Budget, and Status. Color Status equals either PURPLE, GREEN, YELLOW or RED. As Sold Budget is a column of dollars. Status is either At Gosiger, Close, SAT Pending, Shipped Debug, Need Final Docs, or On Hold. Conditions of the formula... If the Status is not equal to…
Countifs Statement Returning Divide by Zero Error
I have a grid with a column of checkboxes ("Prj") and a status column (Status). The formula was set to: =countifs(prj:prj,1,status:status,"Complete") It had been working I made some edits to the sheet and now I am getting a #DIVIDE BY ZERO error. The formula still works on all my other project schedules, so I know it has…
COUNT cells which CONTAIN two seperate column values
All, I have a large database of information that I want to report from. For simplicity imagine 3 columns of data, first column (REF: Coloumn A) has unique ident for a project second column (REF: Column B) has status of "LIVE, ONGOING, COMPLETE" which are unique (i.e. cannot be LIVE and COMPLETE) third column (Column C) has…
Referencing Multiple Columns in another sheet to Match a Location and Date Range to a Project
So I have been looking through the community for a while and have seen a couple solutions mildly similar to what I am looking to do, but can't quite get it right. Feel free to link me to another solution if you feel it would solve this problem: I have a reference sheet which I do not own that contains a listing of Tasks…
Copy New Row, Delete Old Row
I have a quick question. I have a process by which a row gets copied (from Sheet A) into another sheet (Sheet B). Since there will be duplicate rows in Sheet A, I'm wondering if there is a way in which when the row gets copied into Sheet B, a row can be deleted if another already exists? Essentially, I'm looking to avoid…
Finding Parent value of first blank child
Hi, I've been struggling with this and haven't been able to figure it out. I want the Current Phase field on the request record to be filled in with the parent task name of the first child with a blank status. So in this case, on the top line, I want the Current Phase to say Approval Process. I have a field for level that…