When I try to incorporate a CONTAINS into a COUNTSIFS i keep getting errors Works fine: =COUNTIFS({JSA - Daily Job Start Safety Form Range 1}, Date@row, {JSA - Daily Job Start Safety Form Range 2}, $Date$1) Incorporate CONTAINS : These are 2 i tried =COUNTIFS({JSA - Daily Job Start Safety Form Range 1}, Date@row, {JSA -…
INDEX() function help
Hi, I have a master list of tasks in one sheet with project specific labeled columns. I'd like to break out those columns into separate sheets. My thought is the best way to keep the master list current while transposing data, using a combination or INDEX() and MATCH() functions would be best but am interested in any…
Help Creating a formula using Children
Hi! I currently am experimenting with Parent and Children Hierarchy to clean up my sheets. Below is a screenshot so you can see my mock up page. The issue I am running into is when I add an additional "Project", my formulas in the columns on the right are pulling from the whole column. I am having difficulty creating the…
Today / Yesterday formulas
Hi all, I need to create a dashboard to include all calls made to clients, either today or yesterday (the idea being that the charts would change on a daily basis). My issue is that I don't think I can use the Today or Today -1 type formulas as the date column is NOT a date column type, but a text column type. I can't…
Form Information is Not populating in Sheet
Hello, I have a Smartsheet Form set-up that adds new rows to the bottom of the sheet. At 6:30 AM MST 10/20/2020 this feature/feed stopped working. I entered a test form in about 5 pm MST I looked at the properties of the form and it still says last entry was 6:30 am. Yes I have gone to the sheet and scrolled all the way…
Copy cell above in formula
I have created this formula: =IF([is Child]@row = "T", [Estimate Number (1)]1814, VALUE([Estimate #]@row)) I am trying to copy the estimate number from the row above if the current row is a child. Works fine until the sheet is sorted. How do I change this formula parameter "[Estimate Number (1)]1814" to copy the cell above…
Auto Fill "Completed By" Column based on Checkbox
Hi all, Is it possible to have a column auto-fill in the name of the user who checks off a task as "done"? I know you can see it in the Activity Log, so I know Smartsheet is collecting this information, but I can't figure out how to get it into the sheet.
Hi Smartsheeters,
Can you please help me to create a formula, As in main sheet according to market, it should look up in reference sheet, for example: if in main sheet the Market is Spain , then we have look up in reference sheet , it should match the market row then it should multiply HOURS COLUMN IN MAINSHEET * IC hourly cost in reference…
Showing % Complete of Children Rows to Parent
Hi There I am managing projects that are made up of parent, children and grandchildren rows (tasks that make up the projects). I would like to count the tasks that make up a project and then count how many are complete to communicate % of project complete to our business leaders. Is this possible using some form and…
At Risk If/Not formula
I am trying to build a formula where "At Risk" will be flagged IF the following conditions are met: the Status is not Gray (n/a) or Green (complete) AND the End Date has passed I tried this formula but something is missing, it comes out unparseable. =IF((NOT(Status@row = "GRAY")), 0, 0),IF(AND([End Date]@row < TODAY(),…