Using a formula to Reference another sheet with two variables
I'm trying to create a formula for a report that references another sheet but it needs to reference and check two columns. My crude formula below to illustrate: =COUNTIF ((RefSheet1Range1)="Windows Server" AND (RefSheet1Range2){Status}="Completed") This would return a count of the number of Windows Servers that have been…
Help with a SUMIF formula and a reconciliation spreadsheet
I am trying to build a reconciliation spreadsheet that compares two sets of data. Pictured below: The first set of data with the "QBO SKU" is pulling the information correctly using the below formula: =SUMIFS({QBO – shipment history (7/30/20) Range 1}, {QBO – shipment history (7/30/20) Range 2}, Class@row, {QBO – shipment…
Ignoring Blank Cells
How do I make this formula ignore blank cells? I want it to total the percent of YES cells to NO in a range. =COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), OR(@cell = "YES", @cell = "No aplica")) / COUNTIFS(CHILDREN(), OR(@cell = "", @cell <> ""))
I need to write a formula for counting active projects that are past due for a current month based on schedule complete date being in that current month and when actual complete date is blank. Project Status = Active Schedule Complete Date = 7.1.20 - 7.31.20 Actual Complete Date = Blank Here is the data and fields I would…
VLookup is not bring back values
I am using vlookup in a master tracking sheet that is looking up Names and bring back date values in a data entry sheet. The data entry sheet is updated on a weekly basis from the same group of Names multiple times during the week so the formulas is suppose to bring back the dates activities are completed with rows added…
What is wrong with my formula?
I'm trying to do multiple IF formulas to show a Green, Yellow, or Red traffic light based on a % complete column. I can get "Red" (<70%) to show by itself, "Green" (100%) to show by itself, but I can't get the yellow range or all three together. What is wrong below? =IF([% Complete]3 = 1, "Green"), =IF([% Complete]3 <1 AND…
Sumif in a RYG symbol column
Hello, I have a formula that returns a Red, Yellow, or Green icon depending on criteria in another column. Red, Yellow or Green correspond to a priority in our work order flow. Then, in a metrics summary sheet, I have a Sumif formula based on the status (Red, Yellow, or Green). At times, we need to override the formula,…
Multiple IF functions Nested
Hello, I would like to Nest two If functions in one cell. Below is what I have, but I am receiving an error #unparseable. =IF([Sales Person 1]2667 = "Y", ([Net Profit]2667 - 100) * 0.5, IF([Commission due]2667 > 0, "0" )), ([Net Profit]2667 - 100) * 0.4) I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you.
Double Notifications
I have a work flow set up for vacation requests at our company. This is what happens: Enter information on a form Form is sent to relevant project Manager for approval If approved it is copied to another sheet to populate a calendar view on our dashboards, if it is denied it kicks an email back to the submitter. I only…
"Smartsheet Formula Examples" template cell references issues
The "Smartsheet Formula Examples" template, while very helpful, appears to have a variety of issues with cell references that have been moved over time. Somewhere around row 26 things start to get weird. Is this only on my copy of this sheet? I did delete it from my workspace and reload it to see if it would be fixed, but…