Countif formula
I would like to count the number of children cells that contain dates in February or March 2016. How do a formalize the criterion to select cells with dates in February 2016 and March 2016?
Create a Cell that can summarize what's missing in other cells of the same line?
Hi! Sorry in advance, I may over-write / overexplain because 1. I'm lame at explaining and 2. English is not my first language ^^' In my work, I need to do a release checklist, with multiple checks. Each check is a cell saying for example "Date OK?", or "Price in database?" etc etc. I fill this cell with "OK" if it's done,…
COUNTIF from a multiple drop down, exclude a word using NOT
Hi I'm trying to create a COUNTIF from a multiple drop down but run in to issues as following words are used “Not Accepted” and “Accepted”. I can count the “Not Accepted” by just using (CONTAINS(“Not” but I can’t count only “Accepted” as both “Not Accepted” and “Accepted” will be counted. I did try to use NOT(CONTAINS but…
How to get today's date to populate one field when a box is checked in another?
I would like TODAY()'s date to be populated in the "Renewal Date" field only when a "Renewal" box is checked. I will be using a form to add new records to this Smartsheet. I can't seem to make it work.
How to get a nested IF statement to work?
My individual IF statements work but when I nest them I get an error. Not sure what I am doing wrong as it should be simple. Here they are individually: =IF(ISBLANK([License Research]@row), "Red") =IF([License Research]@row = "Completed", "Yellow") =IF([License Status]@row = "Obtained", "N/A", "Green") Here they are…
How to create a summary (count) of open tasks across sheets by contact
Hi I have found lots of others with similar questions, but I don't seem to quite find the solution that would work for me. I have a project worksheet and an action log worksheet with contacts listed as the "Assigned To". I would like to create a summary (like an Excel pivot) of how many actions are open, closed, escalated…
Range with multiple columns with COUNTIFS
One range in my COUNTIFS formula has several columns included. If I use this range on COUNTIF (no S on it), it works perfectly but, when I include in COUNTIFS, it does not work. (#Incorrect Argument Set). I then split all these columns in one range, criterion and now does not count anything. Do you have any information on…
How to fix my #Boolean Expected Error
Good morning, I'm trying to solve this error in my formula. All I want to do is display a % complete every time I click a check mark under my done column. Here is my formula: =COUNTIF(Done:Done, 1) / (COUNTIFS(Done:Done, 0, Tasks:Tasks, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))) + (COUNTIF(Done:Done, 1))) Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Formula - RGY by percentage
Good Morning Hoping someone can assist: Currently i have a formula that controls the RGY health column perfectly like below: (thank you to for previous assistance) =IF([+/-]46 >= 0, "Green", IF(AND([+/-]46 < 0, [+/-]46 > -10), "Yellow", IF([+/-]46 <= -10, "Red", ""))) However i require the health to adjust accordingly to…
Nested IF with Children
Greetings, I'm attempting to configure an Epic (parent) field to automatically change based on the statuses of the child fields. For example, the criteria I'm attempting to meet is: If all child status fields are in "To Do" then parent field status is "To Do" else "In Progress" If all child status fields are in "Done" Then…