Nested Formula in Sheet Summary
I am looking to return a summary sheet for manager review. I want a formula to run if the status is "In Progress" and it's been assigned to a specific team member, I want the value returned to be a list of the types of projects in progress. The sheet is set up with "Assigned to" as a contact list, "Status" to be a drop…
Need a formula that will send out a reminder if an update has not been received in 7 days
Hi all, I'm pretty new to smartsheet, so thanking you in advance for any assistance you can provide. I'm looking for a formula that will send out a reminder if an update request has not been received after 7 days. Here's the scenario. I have a check column in the sheet. When I check off the cell, it sends and update…
Rolling 2 week task count
Hello, I am trying to do a cross sheet formula that counts the number of tasks that are not complete and have a due date in the next 14 days for a specific department. I hope I am close but it is coming back as unparseable. Could someone please review and tell me where my mistake is? Please find my formula below.…
Multiplication Function
Hi! I have a Sheet Summary field that has counted the total number of relocation packages we have issued for the year. I want to set up a formula that multiplies that total count by $854, with the number updating as more relocation packages are issued. Is there a way to do that? Thanks!
Date Formula
Hello, I have a "Renovation Start Date" and a "Estimated Renovation Completion Date" column. If the "Renovation Start Date" is blank and does not have a date, I want to the "Estimated Renovation Completion Date" column to also remain blank. However, if the "Renovation Start Date" is does have a date I want the "Estimated…
Move Rows-Auto Field Error
Hi, I have 3 different projects I am recreating in Smartsheet. They are surveys that we send out and track scores. Since the process already existed I needed to create two sheets. Both sheets have exactly the same columns (I just copied the first one). The difference is that the first sheet has an Auto Created By and Auto…
Bold a row if name matches name from other sheet
Hello, I have two sheets. Sheet 1 has a list of organizations and I need to check a box if they have received funding from us. Sheet 2 has a list of organizations we have funded in the past. There are over 100 organizations. What would the formula be to say if the organization name on Sheet 1 appears on Sheet 2 check the…
Connvert number into hour
Hi, I convert duration (in days) in to hour. Then I apply % of allocation to have a realistic working hours. By example, task with a duration of 11days, convert in 88 hours (8 working hours/day). If my % of allocation is 5%, the answer is : 2,8 hours. It's a decimal number, how can I convert it into real hours? The results…
Good morning, I need to sum all of the children except those that say "Paid" and/or "Void". I'm stuck in adding more than one option. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much! =SUMIFS(CHILDREN(AMOUNT@row), CHILDREN(STATUS@row), @cell <> "PAID")
VLookup with IF statement
I am going to try the out of spec condition using VLookup. I am not sure this is possible. But here we go. This log has entries that will VARY but do have upper and lower limit specs. However, in the same stage one substrate may have a different u/l spec sujch as seen here with CRS UPPER limit of 175 and all others have…