Have certain data go to various smartsheets based on form selection
Hi, Is it possible to have certain data go to various other smartsheets based on a selection on a form selection? For example if on the form the user selects a Location of "Oklahoma" all the data on the form will go to a designated spreadsheet for Oklahoma data. While another option would be a Location of "Texas" and all…
Formula to Average a Children
Hello, I have a column of costs that i want to average in a parent row, however I only want to average values that are greater than $0.00 and have an active status (seperate column). Below is an example. Status Cost Parent Row Active X.XX Child Row1 Active $4.00 Child Row2 Inactive $4.00 Child Row3 Active $2.00 Child Row4…
If there are duplicates for a corresponding Primary Column, I want computation to appear only once
Hi, I am trying to find, how many Promotions are for a particular item for a particular Start Date. Example: Promotion || Total Number of Promotions for Start Date || Start_Date Bacon || 1 || 2/4/2020 Chocolate || 3 || 3/14/2020 Chocolate || 3 || 3/14/2020 Chocolate || 3 || 3/14/2020 Chocolate || 1 || 2/14/2020 Above table…
Sum a range greater than >25000 based on the status of a check box
Help! I cannot figure out a formula for SUMIF or SUMIFS to add a range of numbers in a column that are greater than 25,000 based on a checkbox. =SUMIFS({Content Limit - NB}, >25000, {Reporting - NB}, 1) <-- why doesn't this work. hehe I keep getting #invalid operation. This formula works =SUMIF({Content Limit - NB},…
Force auto fill formula to increment from the top of sheet
Hi, I have a sheet with project workflows. Each workflow has an ID# and they have indented rows. I have a form that enters new rows into the top of the sheet. Everything is working fine as far as auto-filling all the gnarly formulas I have in various cells, except I have one issue: Currently, I have to assign the ID#…
Pulling Data from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2 using VLOOKUP
Hello, I have 2019 monthly data in Sheet 1 and would like for it to be populated in Sheet 2 based on current 2020 month. Basically, I want to pull same month last year data from sheet 1 to sheet 2. I've tried using VLOOKUP in sheet 2 cell but the place where I get stuck is "column_num". Column_num should be looking at a…
Cross sheet formula to allow a series of data to be pulled into 1 cell
This is my formula: =IF(Staff4 <> "", VLOOKUP(Staff4, {Sheet - PTO & Project Staffing Range 1}, 56, false), "") I need to see all the data in Staffing Range that Staff4 is working on. Right now, I have it naming the first name in that column. I want it to list all the different names of projects that Kate is working on.…
IF(AND) Statement With List of Expressions
Hello, I'm a fairly new user to Smartsheet and trying to put together some formulas. I'm currently trying to implement a formula to summarize a column called Status if the rest of the cells in that column have a "Complete" entered in them. If there is at least one cell with anything other than "Complete", I want…
Date Formula with Specific Criteria
Good evening Smartsheet Community: I trying to create a formula that would give me the Number of Done in the Status Column based on Today's Date so I can see at any given time how many issues are done. If anyone has a similar formula they can share that would be awesome. Thanks
Forms and Formulas - Form add a row to top but formula does not include
I have a smartsheet that I want to use for team holiday requests.The team would fill in a form that add their request to the top of the smartsheet. Further down the smartsheet is a summary, by team member, of their total holiday allowance, calculated by formula of the number of days requested (and approved) and number of…