CountIFS formula including OR
Hello, I am trying to create a complex formula using ranges and inside the COUNTIFS i need to include OR functions, but when i do the below it comes up with error: =COUNTIFS(OR({Current Jobs Completed Hour}, <7, {Current Jobs Completed Hour}, >18), OR({Current Jobs Created Hour}, <7, {Current Jobs Created Hour}, >18),…
checkbox if statement based on date and multiple drop down options
I'm trying to set up a formula that will check an "At Risk" flag based on a date and several drop down options. Example for row 7 : If the [Ship Date Estimated]7 is less than Today and the [Status]7 does not equal "Shipped" then check the flag or if the [Delivery Date Estimate] is less than today and the Status does not…
Formula to automatically input total number of rows
Hello! I'm hoping one of you smart people can help me... The "$A$70" value in the calculation below is the number of rows in the sheet I want to replace the "$A$70" value with a calculation (or whatever it's called in this case) to automatically update the "70" dynamically with however many rows in are in the spreadsheet…
Hello everyone, I'm new to smartsheets and so far my experience has been positive but I'm heading into areas that go beyond what I have learned so far, I used basic formulas to do counts using =SUM, and =COUNTIF but I only have been able to use it to do basic counts. I need a formula that will look at at multiple columns…
Formula to convert numerical values in Column A with LOW/MED/HIGH
Hi there, I hope someone with a big brain can help me solve this issue I'm having. Desired Result: I'm trying to fix a formula that will automatically input the Values "LOW", "MED", or "HIGH". I would like to be able to copy the three (corrected) formulas I have into each spreadsheet I need to work with, without having to…
Creating a report using COUNTIFS with multiple fields and date range
Hi: I have a schedule Smartsheet that I am attempting to build a report via COUNTIFS formulas which pulls data from the schedule smart sheet. My schedule smartsheert (source data) has the following fields & Column Values, I'm using to attempt this report: Individual Names (Text), Status (Text), Start Date (Date), End Date…
Flag if Multiple Dates in Same Column
I'm attempting to set up conditional formatting to highlight cells if there are duplicate dates in the same column. (For a spreadsheet managing event bookings, want to highlight if multiple requests for same day) I tried an IF/COUNTIF function in a new checkbox column but I keep getting #UNPARSEABLE. - Column name is Mtg…
Get all Parents
I tried to count all parents inside a sheet but since now it was only possible with an additional column. The formula I used to check if it was a parent is this one: =IF(COUNT(PARENT([Task Name]2)) > 0, "false", "true") And to calculate how many parents are existing, I just counted the cells, where the value is "true" My…
Using MAX Formula- How to formulate it to capture infinite rows
Hey Guys! I have a Smartsheet that is connect to Jira. I have added two columns; Created On (with creation date column) and Last Create Date (date column). I am trying to populate a formula that pulls one text box of when the sheet was last updated. When I attempt to enter =MAX([Created On]2:[Created On]???) it wont work.…
Formula Unparsable
Hi there, Trying to return the amount of workdays between two dates if the today-date is during that same year, else return a "standard value" but im getting an error, anyone with better formula skills who could help me fix this? =IF(AND(Today2 >[Start 2020]2; Today2 < [End2020]2); NETWORKDAYS([Start 2020]2; [End 2020]2) -…