Red, Yellow, Green
Formulas are not my thing. Can someone help me with a formula to display the following: If % complete column is 100% turn the ball green in the status column If % complete column is less then 100% but greater then 80 turn the ball yellow in the status column If % complete column is less then 80% turn the ball red in the…
Aging formulas in Smartsheet
Hi, I have a column titled aging and its the [created date]-[Today()]. The problem is that there is no trigger when the line item is completed/canceled, as a result it shows that that item is still currently aging in fact it has been completed/canceled. What I would like to do is build if possible and If statement that if…
Trigger notifications based on dates previously input
Hi all, Trying to build 2 spreadsheets that need to communicate with each other at this level: One of them (first) will have the raw material code, name, supplier, last date of testing, risk rating, test required, etc. The other (second) spreadsheet will be a record of materials booked in. Will it be possible that, by…
NetworkDays but using different days
Hello, I am trying to creating a PTO form but we have users that work weekends. In Excel, there is a formula, NETWORKDAYS.INTL (start_date, end_date, [weekend], [holidays]), that allows to shift what is considered a non-countable workday. Is there a formula or a workaround for this formula? Note: This is not a Gantt sheet…
Joining the Results of Boxes Checked on a Form Entry (2 Solutions)
Edit: I had used numbers as my column names which in turn populated my first row. Another user made a good point that the number 1 in the first row will not actually duplicate my column name, but will read as "true" since it is a checkbox column. The column names and formulas have been updated to account for this. . I…
IF Function
I've been trying to find a way to combine various checkboxes to designate different status', for example: If this checkbox is checked then this is the status However, if that checkbox is checked AND this checkbox is checked, then it's in a different status If these 3 checkboxes are checked, then it's in a different status
Trying to expand my knowledge of writing formulas
Im having a little bit of a hard time trying to make formulas longer and saving column space(s). For instance when I run into an issue of creating a formula in 1 cell i sometimes create a new column and put the formula I wanted to add in there. This takes up space which can be free'd up and when the sheet gets over 1000…
Reports pulling from formulas
I have reports calculating off multiple workflow sheets based on a column in the worksheet with formulas - the reports sometimes appear blank and when I go into the worksheet to see why, the formula column shows as blank and then reappears - almost like they only recalculate when looking at the sheet. the fomula is a…
Count tasks between today and xdays+today
I have several different project sheets that contain communication tasks. I create another sheet to create a count of tasks coming up in the next 7 days (I plan to create a report to pull up to a dashboard). I am having trouble creating a formula that will count the tasks between today and today +7 days. This is what I…
IF statement to search data in two columns for matching text
I am somewhat new to SmartSheets, and would like to know if there is a more concise way of doing what I'm trying to do. I am using sample names for the purposes of my question. I have one column of data [Data Column] that contains different city names, some blanks, and some text that is not city names. What I need to do…