RYGG nesting functions-UPDATED
EDITED TO ADD: I was able to figure out this morening w/ fresh eyes/brain and tested all scenarios which tested true: =IF(OR([STATUS]@row="Barrier",AND([Due Date]@row<TODAY(),NOT([STATUS]@row="Completed"))), "Red",IF([STATUS]@row="completed", "Green",IF(AND([Due Date]@row<TODAY(+3),[STATUS]@row="Not Started"),"Yellow",…
Formula to paste path of current sheet into a cell in that same sheet
Hi Folks, Is there a way to get the full URL of the current sheet so that path can be put in to a cell using a formula?
Formula Help
I'm having trouble putting together a correct formula or workflow to do certain tasks. I have a rent tracker spreadsheet and want a formula to basically say "When it's 30 days prior to the Rent Increase Date then automatically turn the Status Column drop down to red. Once the Status Column drop down is changed to green…
Finding the earliest date in rows, contingent on another column's value
I am trying to return the earliest date in a Date Column where another column does not contain "Done". Simple statement, but I am completely flummoxed. Additionally, I need to return this date to a non-date column. I am using this formula to grab the earliest date that appears in the entire column in question:…
Nested IF using Dates and RGY symbols
Good Morning Smartsheet Community, I have having a couple of issues regarding the nested If logic against Date data and having the RGY ball symbol output. Here is my request: 1. First column of dates * If the Date is over Today(-365), make the ball red. Meaning, if the row date is over one year from today, make that ball…
Reference List of Dates in Column Relative Today
Hello! I have a project I am working on where I've created a little bit of a manual schedule that I'm integrating into a smarter excel sheet, but I'm struggling with a formula to duplicate information. I've attached a screenshot below of my spreadsheet... what I need to have happen is this: I would like to have a formula…
IF Function
Hi All, I copied an IF function to another sheet with identical column names. For some reason, the function no longer works. Does anyone know if there were changes to the IF Function. Here is the formula that I copied: =IF([Start Date]3 < [Baseline Start]3, "red") I got an "#Invalid Operation" I submitted a help ticket but…
Use formula to create name of cross sheet range name in a VLOOKUP
Hi Folks, I have a master sheet that links to a work sheet for each row. There is a unique ID number on each row of the master sheet And each work sheet has a range named using that unique ID number. SO is there a way to look up the ID number in the row, and uee that number as part of the name of the range in the vlookup…
Trouble with COUNTIFS Formula
Hi, I was wondering if someone could please help me with a countifs formula that contains multiple ranges and criteria. Using the table below, I need to be able to figure out how many fresh food deliveries were done in a month. I have different locations I pick up from, and deliver to. I have a column that has what people…
How is the checkbox function recognised?
I'm trying to output the number of sick-days into a cell using the criteria 'email address' and checkbox ticked as i only want it to recognise the sickdays if checkbox is ticked. Don't really understand how the checkbox is recognized as I am getting a '#invalid operation' =SUMIFS([Is your absence related to a…