Server/Local sheets get out of sync, some permanently
Hi all, I am working with SS support but I thought I would reach out here as well According to T2 support ...If our server has not processed all data/ formulas before a save is made the sheet may show a different version than our server shows. In most cases the dirty save only lasts for the first 2 rounds of saves.... This…
Calculate RAG Overall Project Status
I have projects that are recording Red, Yellow, Green for multiple categories (Budget, Scope, Schedule, Resources), and I would like to be able to calculate the Overall Health by evaluating each of these individual status' and pulling the lowest color as the overall status. What I need to be able to do is calculate the…
If Current Month
Hi I'm trying to write a formula that will show me a column for the current Month Currently formula =If(Month(date column)= 9, [Project]1)- This works and displays the correct cell, however I want the column to change with the month so I tried= IF(Month(date column)=Month(Today()), [Project]1), I get an error Any…
Workload over Calendar Duration
I am very new to Smartsheets and am in process of educating myself on the product to help develop some staffing workload tools on a project basis over time. The goal is to help us analyze how employees are allocated on a project over a calender timeline. For example, we use project milestone deadlines to break up a project…
Formula to see if someone is available
I am trying to build a formula that references another sheet. The goal is to be able to see if someone is working on a project currently. In the reference sheet we have the start date and end date and the Talent's name. So, I am guessing it is going to have to be a IF/AND formula and the conditions will need to include the…
I want to JOIN(COLLECT) unique, distinct instances of a date given values in other columns. I have a history log of participant registration dates. The participant can register more than one time on a given date. I want to JOIN(COLLECT) all of the unique registration dates an individual registers. Is this possible? Table 1…
SUMIF the amount in one column has the correct pipeline status in another column
Can someone please help me with SUMIF, I am losing my mind and keep getting errors. I have a pipeline document with status' ( approved, declined, awaiting client, in progress,etc) and I need to show in a dashboard the sum associated with each item. PIPELINE STATUS | dropdown with status' AMOUNT APPROVED | the dollar…
IF Statement Check box, not returning check
Hello, I have a sheet that I am saying if a score is over 80 to check the box. The formula itself seems to be working as it is returning the 1 however I want it to check the box not show me the value. Any ideas what I'm missing here?
Formula with multiple IF criteria
Hi all - Trying to create a formula that raises a flag any time a milestone is NOT marked complete AND the due date has past. Below is what I have tried and I am receiving an "Unparseable" error. =IF(Stage2<>"Complete" AND [Due Date]<= TODAY, 1) I am not sure that I am combining the two statesments correctly. Can anyone…
Automatocally changing due dates and status on recurring tasks (Monthly, weekly, etc)
How do I make a row update the due date for a monthly, weekly, and/or quarterly recurring task? I would like it to automatically change the due date to one month, one week, or three months in the future and change the status back to Not Started once a recurring task is marked Complete. I need to be able to do this at the…