Count and then Rank multiple text values in same Cell in one Column
I have been scouring the community page looking for help with this question and plan to set up a Pro Desk appointment, but they don't have any availability until next week so any help is appreciated. I have a form collecting data into a sheet and then a separate calculations sheet. I am trying to 'count' within a column…
Using Vlookup where search value contains multiple values (column is a drop down)
I have a main sheet where i want to select "Plants for Consideration", then after selecting a production plant the emails of the people involved will populate in another cell. I've created a separate smartsheet to reference which has the column on the far left "Plants for Consideration" and then in another column (column…
Combining multiple emails into a contact list cell for automation
I am using smartsheet to send automated email updates to people if they are required to provide approval. I have a contacts column which includes a joined list of emails that are from other columns. (e.g. eng contacts, qualit contacts etc). The formula i have in the cell is "=JOIN([contact 1]1:[contact 3]1, "; ")",…
Formula for countifs and or from multiple columns
Hello, I am trying to count if {Goal #1} and {Goal #2} are not blank IF {Office Name} is [Primary Column]@row OR {Division Name] is [Primary Column]@row. The way my tracker sheet is set up is that I have Office Name & Division Name as separate columns and I need to count that each office or division has completed Goal #1…
Sum of values excluding rows with auto sum function
Hi All, I am fairly new to using Smartsheet, so I hope I am not asking a silly question. Is there a way to exclude certain lines that have the auto sum function? For example, I want to get a YTD sum of Hours Completed, but when I use the function, it shows that the YTD is 12 hours, but it should be 6. Currently, the sum of…
COUNTIFS with multiple inputs and dates
I'm trying include a date range with counting the number of applicants within various depts, in certain date ranges, but it's saying incorrect argument set. =COUNTIFS(DISTINCT([Name of Requestor]:[Name of Requestor], [Submission Date]:[Submission Date], AND(@cell > DATE (2023, 9, 30), @cell <= DATE(2023, 12, 31))))…
What Formula for one "Master ID" with multiple data rows and columns?
Hello, I am trying to use a formula in "7.4 Test" that pulls the same "Master ID" info from "7.3 Test", but the data can be random if it is "Red Phase", "Green Phase", or "Blue Phase" there will always be steps 1,2,3 & 4, but it can be random which color phase comes in, so only one Color will be identified, the other…
What is the formula in calculating the years, months, and days of service in a given date?
Hi Everyone, Can you pls help me figure out what is wrong with my formula? I wanted to get the exact, years, months, and days of service of our employees. I was able to do this in gsheet, but having a hard time here. =YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR([Date Hired]10) - IF(DATE(YEAR([Date Hired]10), MONTH(TODAY()), DAY(TODAY())) < [Date…
Calculating the difference in years, months, and days between two date ranges
Hello, I am trying to calculate the difference between two date ranges and have the result display in years, months, and days. The formula is displayed below and also pasted here: =IF(ISBLANK(DOB@row), [Event Date]@row, (INT(([Event Date]@row) - DOB@row) / 365) + " years " + IF(MONTH([Event Date]@row) - MONTH(DOB@row) < 0,…
Assigning a Level Based on CHILD items
I have 4 different PARENTs with many CHILD items under each of the 4 PARENTS. The PARENT column is named "Item / Topic". I want to assign Level 1 for the first PARENT, Level 2 for the second PARENT and so on. The first PARENT is RISKS. This formula worked and assigned a value of 1. Also, if there is a CHILD items that…