Sharing Sheets Automatically
Hi, Could we share sheets with new contacts automatically? I have a form and in this form I need to add a new contact, by adding his email. So a new contact is created in smartsheet automatically, but I need once this contact is added or when the form is submitted I need to share the sheet with him automatically, without…
Tracking time in forms
Good afternoon, We are creating a form/sheet to track our deliveries to job sites. We want our driver to be able to log the time he arrives on site and the time he leaves. Is there a time feature we can use for forms? Thanks
Controlling numbers on axis
Hi I see from the discussion boards about this time last year that you guys were going to enable users to specify numbers in graph axis on a dash board - I only need whole numbers - I've tried today and still can't do it. Any tips?
Sorting selection of Rows
Hi there, I'm struggling to just sort the columns without it selecting the whole row? I've tried highlighting a selection > right-click > row-actions > sort-row, but this selects the whole row as well and I'd just like to sort the columns individually in A-Z. Thanks, Subin
Copy of My Responses
Hi there: I have a client who completed a form, but it would allow him to submit his form with the "send me a copy of my responses" selected. He deselected and the form did come through. How can I send him a copy of his responses? I would like it to be in the same format as if he had selected the button vs an export to…
% complete report for multiple projects
I am trying to build a report that shows % complete, by project, across multiple projects (eg, Proj 1 = 50%, Proj 2 = 75%, Proj 3 = 10%) in one report view/summary. To date all I have been able to do is task level / individual project level % complete thanks!
Help setting up inventory tracking
Im using inventory template. Need a little help setting it up. We receive shipments of doors that we temporarily store in our warehouse. The doors go right back out to job sites, based on installation days. Here's are the processes I would like to design 1. receive shipments. check off that all doors are accounted for. 2.…
Smartsheet Merge Add-on how to change the folder name
Hi, Smartsheet Merge Add-on is a great tool for generating Google Docs based on smartsheet data. The generated files are save in a folder and I would like to change the folder name. I could not find any configuration possibility, does anybody know how make this? Thank you and best wishes
Increase width of bottom scroll bar
We use Smartsheet on Chromebooks. Is there a way to change the bottom scroll bar setting to make it wider, as it's very difficult to find/access? Thanks.
Cannot edit my formulas due to a little Help window in the way
I may actually report this as an incident as it is hindering me from making changes that I need, unless you have some great advice for me. I am trying to back space. This scenario keeps happening. How do I get around this issue? See attachment. Thanks