Date-Time vs Date - Strange Behavior?
I noticed that if you neglect the fact that a date-time is not the same as a date, you get unexpected results. If you look at the image you see a date-time and a date column that is set to equal the column to its left. As you can see it does not produce an error, and it populates the date. However, only in certain…
Hyperlinks in Reports
Hi, On the first day of each month, I send a report listing all documents published in the previous month. The report includes hyperlinks to each document's location. Before the recent Smartsheet changes to reports, I would email the report with the active links; however, the email no longer includes the links. How can I…
Check form submissions on a quarterly basis
I have a small project plan that contains just 4 tasks - 1 for each quarter of the year, with the due date being the last workday in the quarter. Using that plan and an Outlook distro list, I have roughly 200 people that, based on the quarterly end date, will get a link to a form to complete for their location using one of…
Formula creation for due date based of a person.
Hi all, Hoping I can get some guidance on how to create a formula to achieve the below? I have the below formula to count the amount of quotations a estimator(Firstname Lastname) has quoted. This is the Total Quoted Projects cell. (see below for Quotation Metrics sheet I created. This is not the source sheet obvs).…
Smartsheet mobile website
Hello, I have a huge problem with smartsheet public links. I just want to give public link VIEW ONLY to people so they can view it on mobile. Unfortunetely I cant do that. Cen you help me please. I dont want to download any apps just view it on mobile web browser. Can you please tell me how to do this simple action.
set a Start or Close date on a week end
hi, I'm currently unable to set a date (start or close) on a Sunday or Saturday. Smartsheet automatically select Friday. This is a Christian bias. For a multi-country projects where people work in "Christian"- and "Muslim"- regulated countries, the "weekend", by law, start on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Ideally, I just…
Automatic back up request
Hello everyone! Is there a way to set an automatic weekly back up request? At the moment we do it manually on a weekly basis but automatic it will make it a lot easier and will reduce human error forgetting to do it.
Calculation Sheet for multiple sheets
Hi Guys I have a calculation sheet that is currently bringing in data from 3 external sheets in order to be able to create reports and graphs for dashboards etc My problem is that I am conscious I will reach my cell link limit, along with the fact that 3 or 4 more sheets will soon have to be included in calculations,…
Using Generate Documents and naming output file based on row content
Anyone using Generate Documents that has devised a way to name the pdf output file with a unique name? Well, more unique than "[original name] (0)" ? Dale
Comments @email to non viewers
Hello. Our sales team feed data to a sheet by form only, they do not have access to the sheet. Out Accounts team with access to the sheet receive the data and at time need clarification on a row entry. We would like this Q&A captured in comments to the row. Is there a way to @email non sheet viewers through comments and…