If I want to apply a conditional format to Column B on the proviso that Column B is greater than Column A, I must use a Helper Cell to determine if this is True or not. Like Microsoft Excel does; by including the ability to specify a formula to ascertain whether a Format should be applied would be a lot cleaner than having…
Allow drag and drop into card view comments like in grid view
A major limitation I am currently finding with Smartsheet is the ability to be able to pull average RAG status summaries into Report Summaries for charts and consolidated reporting across multiple projects. For example - 10 project plans with 5 business units where I need to track % complete and RAG Status (which is based…
Please consider adding a lock function to link two cells together by that fix number of days. Let Cell A be preceding Cell B, Cell B not preceding but "linked/locked" with Cell C (Cell C happens before Cell B). So that when Cell A shifts backwards, Cell B also shifts backwards, and Cell C also shifts backwards, due to a…
It would be really great if we could save a blueprint mid-build without having to click all the way through to the end or at least jump to a specific section using the list on the right side of the screen. There was recently a build where we realized we needed to adjust a few things on our Intake and Metrics sheets while…
It would be helpful if a column in the file explorer/browse would differentiate if reports were Row Report based or Summary Report based.
It would be great to have a “scroll to top” floating button that allows viewers of dashboards to return to the top of long pages.
There is no menu option today in the interface to move objects across Workspaces in SS. DND is undocumented and not consistent across the browsers.
Currently there is no way to edit an send list (email addresses) when sending out a re-occurring of a report. I am having to set up a new re-occurring send list when someone new needs to have a copy of the report. Also, we have users that are no longer w/ the company and they still remain on the send list.
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our product team will review top ideas and requests monthly and we'll share updates as soon as we get them. Remember: if you have a…
When defining date-based filters on a datatable→sheet connection, it would be useful to be able to define the comparison date as a function-based date, rather than having to specify an absolute date. For example, filter where WorkDate ⇐ TODAY() - 30, to return data older than 30 days.
Currently, it is not possible to access Resource Management via the Smartsheet Mobile App. This is a pain point for project managers who need to have the full picture on their projects. Now that both tools are fully integrated the Mobile App needs to provide the same experience. Available on Mobile App: View sheets,…
I was able to change the permissions to a sheet by hitting the Share button within the sheet. I am not able to do it anymore and I have to go to the workspace, select the item, click Share button and then I can change the permissions. Users are not really taking this change positively. Is there a possibility to bring this…