Required Fields WITHOUT Using a Form
Can you please provide the ability to require certain fields WITHOUT needing to use a form? Putting a star in the field name doesn't seem to always cut it.
Card (Focus view for sprint interval)
"I believe a great built-in feature would be to introduce a settings option for the card view, allowing users to specify the number of weeks displayed. Currently, I manually adjust filters to focus on a 1-5 week view of our project team's tasks. This involves updating the filters weekly to reflect the desired time-frame.…
Form Data Validation that compares fields to each other
I'm hoping for a custom validation option on form fields that compares them to one another. Specifically this is in regards to numeric fields: one field cannot be greater than the other field. To take that a step further, what I really need is the option to prevent the sum of certain fields from (1) exceeding the sum of…
Weblinks to carry their property and not become plain text during PRINT option
Weblinks to carry their property and not become plain text during PRINT option
Calendar View Bar customization
An ability to move these bars around and organize them in an order directly in the Calendar View would be very helpful. In the example above the green is the start, yellow, in progress, red is the end but they don't line up together. If there was a way to drag and drop to organize that would be fantastic!
View Cell History
Include automation names, etc. instead of only user names in the cell history so users can better understand how the cell was updated (in the event the cell was updated by some kind of formula or automation vs manually by a user).
Change axis setting
Good Afternoon...when building a dashboard to compare data site to site it would be nice to have the option to change the axis minimum and maximum so the charts visual show the difference in data. I do use the data label feature but when the bars are similar in size some people tend to just look at the size of the bar…
Evaluate Cell containing MESSAGE with fields for WORKFLOW NOTIFICATION ILO Literal Fields
Reference a cell with fields for a WORKFLOW NOTIFICAITON. This could store preset messages for Vlookup or Index/Match use in a helper cell. WORKFLOW NOTIFICAITON coul dthen reference the {{MESSAGE CELL}} and 'unwrap' or force evaluate the {{FIELDS}} in the cell prior to sending the message. Currently it literally returns…
Enhanced Stacked Graphs or Heat Maps in Dashboard
Reports with multiple source data such as Project Manager, Size of Project, and # of Projects per PM- Should be able to translate nicely into a stacked graph. Have yet to find a way to do this without being suggested that we need to create a metrics sheet for each project to then roll into a portfolio metrics sheet. If the…
Open in New Window option for Summary Sheet-based Reports
For reports sourcing from Sheet Summary Data, you would like to be able to: right-click the Sheet Name link and "open in a new window" You could do this only if the the report is Row-Report sourced. Would like the same functionality for a Summary Sheet Report.