Text wrapping for chart axis labels
I would love the ability to turn on text wrapping for chart axis labels in a dashboard. Smartsheet automatically tilts my longer labels in a diagonal style which is difficult for our company leadership to read/follow and makes the bottom of the widget so much longer, taking up a lot a valuable real estate in a dashboard.…
AI for formula in Summary sheet fields
When creating formulas for summaries, starting in the field in the summary, you can click the AI sparkle icon and create the formula. But you cannot Apply the formula to the summary field like you can apply it to a general cell in the sheet. I can copy and paste the formula to the summary field, but why not go all the way…
Microsoft Preview integration and Usable Insight charts
I would like to be able to preview microsoft documents inside of smartsheet. it is a pain to have to download a copy of the document and open it in a desktop app each time i want to view what it is. Another idea is to be able to integrate insight charts into a dashboard. Often times i cannot build a chart within the…
Mailto link option for a new column
In your dropdown options for a new column, please consider adding the option to have a mailto link. Currently if you use the text/number option, you cannot convert it to a hyperlink. If you use your contact list, you cannot click on it to send an email from your email client. I would like to be able to click on an email…
Ability to upload a photo as a PROOF via the mobile App
This would be very handy in some many project scenarios where a person on site or in a factory can upload a photo that can then be annotated by the user or a remote support person.
Data Shuttle - Export all workflow information as System Administrator
Hi, as a system administrator to conduct audit we need an option to export all the data shuttle information created in our organization. I believe this is must to have because it is hard to sort and get owner email address and so on. Thanks
Fix misleading error when using API to get a sheet that is still in the process of creation
Please reference support ticket/case 07281278 as well as community post at this URL: My Suggestion: It appears that when a sheet is copied (maybe when a new sheet is created in any way) via the API, there is some additional work that Smartsheet is doing on the back-end after the response to the create request is sent. It…
Ability to Change End Date in Card View when Dependencies are Enabled
I would love it if Smartsheet allowed editors to update a field marked as "End Date" when the Dependencies are enabled in Card View. Currently, this field is locked in Card View and can only be modified in Grid or Board View.
Have the ability within the sheet shared to many individuals the option to vote on specific rows that define a process improvement idea.
Reactions to Comments
As a company we have many people that look at our Smart Sheet so we can all stay up to date on our latest projects. That being said we rely heavily on the comment section to keep everyone on the same page. It would be nice if there was a way to "like" a comment, or once someone views the comment you can click it and it…