Please create a warning/error message for Sharing discrepancies
If a user is assigned sharing to a report (e.g. editor, cannot share) but does not have equivalent or greater sharing privileges in the base sheet (e.g. they are only a viewer) the user will have issues making changes in the report as expected… The owner/admin then has to remember to look for this underlying…
Add a "Strict" Option to Auto Number Columns
The situation is if a row is copied from one sheet to another, the Auto Number unique row ID coming from the source sheet will keep the same auto number on the target sheet. This results in duplicate Auto Numbers potentially, which causes duplicates in what should a column with unique values.
Full Screen View Default for Published Report Widgets
I would like to have an option for reports that when it is published, I can default it to full screen view. Currently, you would have to manually click the expand button to remove the top blue bar. "Normal" View: The below icon will expand the report to full screen view. I want this to always display the widget in full…
Hyperlink to a specific row or cell within a SmartSheet
It would be good if you could link to a specific Row or Cell within another Smartsheet. So being able to create a hyperlink from one cell in sheet A to cell B in sheet D. This would give the ability to drill into information tied together in different sheets. It would also be nice to link back to the original sheet.
Total and subtotal not appearing on the report when I print or share the Attachment
Good Afternoon, I built a report where I summarized and grouped in subtotal. However when I try to print or send the report by email, the total and subtotal disappear. Could SS consider adding this feature.
Global Updates available for all sheets
It would be awesome to have Global Updates available for all sheets not just control center. Example: Needing to add the same column to several different sheets and being able to select the sheets you want to add them too. This would cut down on the manual process for updating similar kinds of sheets that are not…
Use a URL shortener service to shorten a URL in a cell
It would be SO amazing to have the ability to choose a cell in my sheet that contains a URL and have Smartsheet create a shortened URL for me. I currently have to leave Smartsheet, navigate to Hootsuite, plug the URL in, click shorten, copy, navigate back to Smartsheet and copy the shortened URL into a cell. I know it…
Creating automations from reports
It would be super helpful to have the ability to create an automation/workflow from a report so that my team can get ONE comprehensive email/alert each week for a "request for updates" across all sheets that are being pulled into the report. It can be daunting for a user to receive a similar alert via an automation or…
Count monthly automations for pro and free accounts
Have a way to count how many automations have occurred and set up rules when XXX number is hit only do critical automations so you do not go over the limit.
Enhancement - Select All in multi-select area of automation
When building automations, I want to include most columns in the auto-email that is being generated but exclude 3 or 4 columns. A select all would allow me to uncheck the columns I wish to exclude. With 12 sheets and two automations per sheet per project, it is extremely time-consuming to check all the boxes. This would…