Custom Templates for Automated messages from Smartsheet
We would like to use a custom template based around our company when sending automated notifications from Smartsheet. We have specific templates we use when sending email notifications and would like to incorporate these into our Smartsheet notifications. This will allow us to utilize Smartsheet for all our company alerts.
Smartsheet calendar: Ability to adjust the number of periods
We run by quarters (3 months), and it would be great if we can change the default number of periods – right now the lowest denomination is 4, and we'd like to be able to change it to 3 so we don't have to manually white out the last month that's not relevant.
PLaceholders show no ICON in Smartsheet but do in Resource Management
PLaceholders show no ICON in Smartsheet contact list but do in Resource Management. In smartsheet Placeholders only appear as text, this is very misleading and not intuitive. You already have a system to create ICONs why not enhance this Here is a suggestion. For example the current Placeholder Icon is square and the…
Manage Automations Screen Updates
Hi there, I'm trying to troubleshoot some workflow automations and because I have so many, it would be really helpful and make me so much more efficient if I could search through my automations by title. Right now, being able to filter by 'Active' or 'Inactive', is not useful at all. Sorting by name is only slightly…
More specific automation details in activity log
Hi there, I've got a smartsheet with a bunch of automations that set/change cell values, based on where in the workflow that row is on and who's made what changes. I'm trying to troubleshoot why my automations work some of the time and not others. I was hoping to use the activity log on the sheet to help troubleshoot, but…
Preserve Indentation/Structure of Rows After Removing Filters
Currently, when applying a filter in Smartsheet, indented rows stay properly hidden under their parent rows. However, after removing the filter, all the indented rows expand. For users working with large datasets and hierarchies, this behavior disrupts the organization and clarity of their sheets. It would be incredibly…
Dynamic View Template
We are needing the ability to create a Dynamic View template. Our organization creates many project schedules throughout the year, so a template would ensure consistency as well as simplify the process for creating new projects. Currently, I would have to create a dynamic view for each project, specify the columns shown,…
Enable Notion as an embedded page into WorkApp
Currently, WorkApp is only limited to a few sites for embedding. It would be a huge help if Notion was part of the list. Thanks!
Data mapping for documentation
As we've been increasing our implementation across all of our departments, the need for documentation is growing. I think it would be nice to have a utility that would generate either a graphic map, or spreadsheet; that show all cross-sheet references, automations, cross-cell references, etc. This would help in creating…
Admin Center - Plan Usage - Option to change Report period
If you go to the Admin Center - Plan Usage, you cannot change the report period. Especially for the "Assets and workspaces" it would be very helpful to change the report period. If you want to know how many views you had on sheets in the last month, for example