Workflows and Automations Alerts
Hello, Currently, the sheet owner is sent a notification when a workflow fails to trigger due to errors. Often times, the sheet owner delegates this task to another team member to manage. The creator of the workflow should have the ability to create alerts to proactively address these scenarios. Ty!!!
Auto Number be a Primary
Working with databases, including FileMaker, Access, and AirTable, there was a Primary or key field required which was to be unique. To me, that means the data in the Primary column should never be able to repeat. Currently, Text/Number is used for Primary. That may work in some projects, but it is not effective.…
Show Form Submission Email as coming from user logged in
It would be helpful to my group to be able to show a Forms submission as coming from the user who completed the form. We are going to use this functionality to submit service desk tickets, and it is part of the functionality of the service desk software to log the email an email is sent from and use that email to respond…
Add the ability to enter simple formulas into cells in a Report View
I've got a Report View that simplifies what columns & rows are displayed out of the full sheet so that a user can input data on a weekly basis. We recently are facing a scenario where we need to sum up multiple values into a single cell. Although the math isn't 'hard' it is more efficient to simply type in i.e., '=123+456'…
9-box talent assessment
I have googled and cannot find any company that has automated the 9-box talent assessment outside of excel. I feel like this is a huge miss as all large corporations do talent reviews and succession planning. What would be really cool is if you had all your HR data in Smartsheet and you could have a visual of each team on…
Sheet API Info
Something you can reference on a sheet to see what APIs are attached and who the owner of the API is. Pivot, DataMesh, DynamicView, WorkApp, etc. You need a method to ensure you don't break something but you have to know what could be broken first. Related to the Sheet Statistics request.
Scatter Chart: switch horizontal and vertical axis
For a scatter chart I picked the Primary column (Partner Name) and two colomns with percentages from a roll up sheet. Per default the % is shown in the vertical axis and the partner names in the horizontal axis. We would like to switch these two axis for more clarity. This is not possible right now.
Grouping in reports should stay in place when emailing a report
When making a report and organizing data by groups within the report, these groups should stay in place when sharing the report via email. I tried making a report for HR on employees' attendance and scheduling it at the beginning of the month for the previous month. Was then surprised when the email came in with a raw…
Have multiple Assign People actions in one Workflow
I have a sheet where I'd like to assign multiple columns, each to a different user. The assignment should all take place based on the same triggering action - when one status field changes to approved. There isn't currently a way to have multiple "Assign People" actions in the same workflow since that type of action is a…
In Calendar and Card Edit View, Hide Data in Hidden Columns
Currently in Calendar and Card view, all data from all columns is visible when you double click on a line item. It would be great if data in hidden columns was not shown in the Card or Calendar edit view, or if there was a way to select what was visible in the edit view.