Hi There, We have set up an automated workflow to notify the email address provided in the form field "Email". We are wondering if there is a way for us to know when the system fails to notify the ema…
Currently, the user who receives a request update from Smartsheet workflow is not able to upload a picture directly in the cell. He needs to do so as attachment. Would that be possible to change it? O…
Other than the "Suggested for you" section, would love to have the ability to add widgets that pertain to our organization. One example would be a to add a widget to pull in any Smartsheet "Requests" …
I see in the existing workflow for offloads that the "action" is replace, can we either have an option to create a new dated file with the date of the execution appended to the name or can we have opt…
It would be great to have a DataMesh archive button so that we could archive old datamesh, assess if there's any unwanted impact before the datamesh is auto-retired/deleted within 30-60 days. It would…
Hi, I would like to submit an enhancement request for workspace sharing. The issue that I encounter with my teams shared workspaces, is that when another project manager gives higher level permissions…
After a form is submitted, it would be a great feature to be able to apply the links to return to that form again. Right now I was able to put in a link to the dashboard but the form would not work. I…
Hello, My team and I have been using the Smartsheet calendar app (https://calendar.smartsheet.com/) for various tasks recently, and have come across a few instances where additional customization woul…
Customer comes up to me and says they were given a link to a sheet and can't sign in, has to request access from the owner. Well, owner never got back to them. I don't know who sent it. As the adminis…
Summary: Allow the admin to select multiple contact lists in Dynamic View when restricting what the current user can see. I currently have a portal for our various locations to report temporary issues…
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our prod…
Hi! I wanted to submit a feature request to add to Smartsheet. I organize a lot of documents that are displayed in all caps [Ex. PLEASE SUBMIT ADDITIONAL NEEDED DOCUMENTS]. I have noticed there is not…
Minimally useful info. Completely unnecessary most of the time. Poor usability. Requests for this go back at least four years. And there are dozens of supportive comments on each of these requests. Yo…
When I create custom messages in Automations, such as approval emails, I'd LOVE to have the system give me a list of possible field names to use after I type in the double curly brackets '{{' This wou…