When you are Admin on a Dynamic view, you should be able to bypass the current user filter for editing the file without modifying the sheet filter each time.
It would be great if there could be a way that a SharePoint permissions groups automatically translates to a Dashboard's sharing permissions list or even a Smartsheet Group outside of using an API (wh…
I would love it if I could disable the attachments panel from popping up every time I drag/drop an attachment to a row. It is very distracting to have this pop up. Thank you in advance!
Ability to add buttons to the toolbar and have them do macros or some functions that are already in SmartSheet. Like a function when you left click on column 3 dots, you will be able to assign a funct…
I would like the ability to dynamically be able to change verbiage in a widget title. Perhaps to say "as of mm/dd/yyyy" or include a sprint name. This would probably be done best by pointing to a cell…
I've seen several queries about this, and workarounds but can't find a suggestion so here's one! I have multiple sheets with the same name (in different workspaces). I want to use a Row Report but sep…
Similar to excel.. it would be great to have variable cell references so that formulas could be copied to a new column. Currently, we have to manually click into the formula to make adjustments so tha…
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our prod…
Hi! I wanted to submit a feature request to add to Smartsheet. I organize a lot of documents that are displayed in all caps [Ex. PLEASE SUBMIT ADDITIONAL NEEDED DOCUMENTS]. I have noticed there is not…
Minimally useful info. Completely unnecessary most of the time. Poor usability. Requests for this go back at least four years. And there are dozens of supportive comments on each of these requests. Yo…
When I create custom messages in Automations, such as approval emails, I'd LOVE to have the system give me a list of possible field names to use after I type in the double curly brackets '{{' This wou…