Smartsheet Bridge: New Junction
Hi, I am exploring the "New Junction" in Bridge. When I add a value in Context using the dropdown, e.g. sys-animals, Bridge complains of unsupported module. Can someone please shed some insight into how the Context and Values To Check For can be used? Regards, AK
Bridge Javascript/Call API & Control Center
Hello all, I have had some success with using the Smartsheet API using the PythonSDK. I am currently using Control Center to create some projects, but they get created in a workspace instead of a folder within a workspace. I have had some success with using the Smartsheet API using the PythonSDK to do something similar, so…
C# API access to row attachments
Greetings, I have been able to use the Smartsheet C# API to access sheet and cell data without issues. I added an attachment to a row and attempted to get information about it via the API: // Load the entire sheet Sheet sheet = smartsheet.SheetResources.GetSheet(selectedSheetID, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);…
Errorcode: 1008, message: Unable to parse request.
Objective: Adding a row on smartsheet from ERP NetSuite (Uses javascript). The payload generated by NetSuite works perfectly via postman ! URL: https://api.smartsheet.com/2.0/sheets/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/rows?accessApiLevel=0&allowPartialSuccess=false&overrideValidation=false Header:…
Get Sheet (ID) by Name using Smartsheet API
I was wondering if there is a way to get the sheet Id of a specific sheet using the name of the sheet. Get sheet accepts the sheet id to get the sheet info, but I would like to get the sheet using the name. In Bridge, you have the option to get sheet by id or name, so I was wondering if there is a way to get it apart from…
How to find folder id for existing smartsheet
All, I am trying to create and maintain a bunch of smartsheets using the API. I would like to find an existing smartsheet to use as a template and create new smartsheets based on the source sheet and in the same folder as the source sheet. I have code to locate the source smartsheet as shown below. I can find the sheet no…
URL Query String with Dynamic Data Connected to QR Code?
I recently built out an inventory system that generates a custom URL query string for each item that partially pre-fills out a form to check items in/out of inventory. The form is meant to include a "current stock level" value so the person knows how much they are able to check out of inventory, but the team using it wants…
Resource Managment API - Reports
When connecting to the report rows endpoint, I am receiving an error when using the timeframe as shown in the API documentation. "time_frame":{ "from": "2022-01-01", "to":"2022-12-31"} Error message received: {'message': 'to is not a valid time_frame'} The API works without error when using one of the canned strings such…
Smartsheet API Documentation unexpectedly asking for login (23 Apr)
I'm unable to log into the smart sheet API Documentation. Till yesterday I was able to access the API documentation did not prompt for login. Kindly help me log in to SmartSheet Official API and SDK Documentation Log in with Redocly
Merged: API Docs need login?
This discussion has been merged.