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Discussion List
How do I make feature requests
Good morning, Is there a special location or process to log feature requests? I just don't want to clutter up the forums. Thanks Rob
Web Form Submission
We here at the bank are using web forms religiously. My question is, how can we make it so that when a user submits a web form, it automatically logs the name of the person who submitted the form? It may not be possible considering web forms are public (as long as they have the link). The workaround right now is having a…
CountIF Children Overdue
Hi Team, I am trying to count how many of the child rows are overdue and am stuck on the syntax for the formula. This is what I currently have - =COUNTIF(CHILDREN([End Date]4), <TODAY()) - but I am getting a "unexpected operator" error.Can someone please advise how this should be written ?
How to: Force Dashboard to be default screen when starting Smartsheet?
Is it possible to force the Dashboard to be on top each time you open Smartsheet? I searched but found no informationabout this, and any options are not obvious to me. I think it would be quite useful to always open to the To-Do list.
Question about sharing sheets in a workspace
Is it possible to share just one sheet in a workspace, rather than sharing the entire workspace? I have a sheet in a workspace that I need to share with a collegue but I dont want to give them access to all the sheets in the workspace. Thanks!
Helpful Formulas for Larger Schedules
Here are a few formulas which are perhaps a bit more advanced, but have really helped our organization. I have also placed them into a published sheet found here, where you can see the formuals working. Weeks to Start Calculates the number of weeks away a task's start date is. This works for any date, such as a task's…
Updating a sheet with two web forms
I understand that SS will not update the same row from two separate web forms. Does anyone have a workaround for this. I want to use a web form to collect safety issues from employees. i then want to send the information to the employee's supervisors to have them take some actions and report what they have done. I know I…
Interface between Filemaker and Smartsheet
I am curious as to whether anyone uses both Filemaker and Smartsheet, and if they have found a way to interface filemaker and smartsheet? Thank you
Calendar integration for Outlook (2010 et al.)
Hi, We use Smartsheet as an events listing and it would be useful to have integration to Outlook through a calendar. At the moment it displays rows as an all day event it would be beneficial for it to use the time fields we input so that it gives us a true indication of the event timeframe.
Date format inconsistencies, US/UK
If you copy and paste US-format dates (mm/dd/yy) into a Smartsheet while your personal settings are English (UK) (and presumably other Anglophone options), the data will retain the US format for all dates below 13. Where the date is 13 or more, Smartsheet will automatically transpose the format to dd/mm/yy. This can be…