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Discussion List
Sight View
When the "people" symbols are imported into the sight view why does only 3 people show instead of all 5. All 5 show on the phone app and when you print the sight. Anyone know how to fix?
Smasrtsheet freezes and crashes Chrome
Today I created new sheet and it started to freeze when I click anywhere on this particular sheet, which is almost empty. Other ones seems to be ok, but this one I can't use at all. Anyone faced similar issue? I have restarted my PC, etc, but still nothing. Yet, I had to present this sheet today to my boss, so you can…
How do I see all the filters I created. Is there a drop-down
How can I see the list of filters I have created. I was hoping that I could just select the filter needed (that was created) but it doesn't show all the filters created? Please advise, this is very much needed. As it stands now it only shows a few. However I created one for each project, which is greater than 20.
How do I setup a reminder to only email if the "Complete" box is not checked off? It seams that there is not a way to add a condition in the reminder setup.
Same Name Columns
Does anyone know a work around for naming multiple columns the same name? I have found that if you have a column with at lease two words in the title you can put multiple spaces between the words and it will allow you to name the columns the same but will display as if only one space is between the two words. For example:…
Bug: Community Editor
Gwyneth, ITALICS do not appear to be working. Others do BOLD UNDERLINE STRIKE THOUGH Also, I do not see a way to delete a post any longer. I assume that is intentional. I don't need / want to delete my posts very often, so very minor (for me) Craig
Google Mail
Does anyone know if there is a way to intergrate Gmail with Smartsheets just like they the Outlook intergation? I want to be able to put an email discussion and/or the attachements directly into a row of a sheet plus add the email topic as an action item.
Sending data to another sheet leaves formulars behind. SMART SHEEET I HAVE AN IDEA !
Back in Feb 2017 I spoke about (When sending a row to another sheet it leaves the formulas behind). It was explained to me that it dose this to avoid errors etc. The problem I having is that the sheet I'm building is so interactive meaning: (I send on the row when job is sold to accountant, he then fills in his data, send…
c# Smartsheet API: Can Not Get ColumnId
I am trying to read data from Smartsheet using C# SDK. I can get sheet info but column details such as ColumnId are Null. When I run the code below, I can get sheet and its columns. Bu only column name and type are filled, other properties of columns are Null. What am I doing wrong? using System; using…
Updates from shared sheets
I shared a sheet with a team member and the information that was updated does not reflect on my master sheet. How do I get the updates to go to the master sheet?