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Discussion List
Rounding ONLY Up
Hello, I have a construction equipment management sheet and I am trying to create a customized rounding formula for the "months rented" cell. Equipment rentals usually charge at intervals of 1-week, after that at 2-week, then after that at 1-month. Because of this, having a value like "1.3 or 1.6 months rented" doesn't…
Current date v. due date
Is there a way to keep a today's date column that automatically changes every day so that one may see the due date of a task in relation to current date?
Cannot Configure Skype - Error: Bad Request
Tried enabling skype for chats in SS and I get this error Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in. We received a bad request. We use O365 and I get this once I have entered my credentials. any ideas?
Formula for progress bar based on RYG balls
Hi, Is it possible for the progress bar to represent the amount of progress based on RYG balls. EG/ if red = 0%, yellow = 50% and green = 100% the progress bar would be an average of how many of each colour there were? Thank you
Smartsheet lab graphics in Sharepoint
Dear All, How do I embed a Smartsheet lab graphics in Sharepoint? Any hints? Thanks a lot.
Is there a way to add hours and minutes in a column?
This is the only thing holding us back form using smartsheets. Is there a way to add columns such as the one in the attached picture and come out with the correct answer for hours and minutes?
IF criteria on two fields
I have two IF statements that I can get to work by themselves but not together. Here is the first one by itself. The formula is in a cell called “# of Days Past Due”. Both Part A and Part B work separately. Part A - If the Date payment received is blank, it takes TODAYs date and subtracts from the Claim date, else 0.…
Comparing dates and returning a RYG ball
Can someone tell me what is wrong with this formula: = IF(TODAY() - ["DUE"2] > 0, "Red", IF(TODAY() - ["Due"2] > -3, "Yellow", "Green")) I am trying to compare today to a due date and return the appropriate ball. Thank you.
notification to Onwer
I'd like to see if I a notification is sent to the Owner of a row when something changes on it it. For example if another owner or the admin changes the description or if a start or end date changes due to a Gantt or Calendar change, urgency changes etc. Also is there away to send a notification to athe oner of a new row.…
Smartsheet mobile app
Is there a way to dial a phone number on a sheet staright from the mobille app on Android?