cell linking for milestones
I have created a sheet for roll up of select rows only for sight using cell linking. I can't seem to get milestone icon. What appears as Milestone icon on regular sheet has come over to cell linked sheet as regular task. How do I get the milestone icon on the cell linked sheet?
COUNTIF problems with data types
( I have looked extensively to see what issue I'm having but cannot find an adequate answer ) =COUNTIF(StartDate:StartDate, MONTH(@cell) = 2) Task: Just count the rows where a Date Field is FEB ( we'll use StartDate as the field and it is a DATE field ) ----- The result I get is #INVALID DATA TYPE Why is SS indicating a…
Can I adjust the duration of task to start at the start of one task, and end at the end of another?
I have tried setting the predecssor column to 6 SS and 11 FF but it defaults to the FF and gives me one day in the duration. I want these dates dependant on start and finish dates of those rows. :( Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Same Sprint, Multiple Sheets
Hi Folks, I work in a development/consulting team where we have resources working with multiple PMs and across multiple projects. Because of this we do our scheduling/resourcing together and operate on the same sprint schedule. So Sprint 1 for project A might be Sprint 3 for project B, but they have the same start and end…
Need to reverse new currency formating
How do I reverse the new currency formating. All our sheets now show the cells formatted as currency are now cluttered with the country prefix. Instead of a simple $ sign it is now CA$. I need it removed in all our sheets or to be able to reformat all currency cells to 2 decimal # in one step!.
Formula enhancements: Usability study sign-up
Update: The Formulas Usability test is now complete. If you are interested to have early access to Formulas enhancements and other features, we invite you to sign up for the Early Adopter Program. Here's an information sheet about the program, and here's the sign up form. Best regards, Daniel ------------- Hi all, We're…
Resource views
I can see the list of people BUT I could only see their assigment to the projects I managed. I would like to see all their asignement to work on Resource capacity. If I go to one of my projects and in the Gantt graph I select the icon of Resource Management, then I could see all the projects assigned to this resource. I…
SUMIFS - Multiple criteria syntax guidance
Hello, I am am struggling to get SUMIFS working with multiple criteria values. I want to sum data based on Month column and then by probability column. Here are a couple methods I have tried but I cannot seem to figure out what I need to do in order to make it work. =SUMIFS(Month:Month, "March", Probability:Probability,…
If cell is not blank, checkbox
Hi, I would like a formula in column1 that says, if column2 is not blank (meaning it has ANY text in it), check the box in column1. Any ideas? thanks!
1 Sheet on multiple worspaces
I am having problems trying to find a way to share 1 sheet to multiple workspaces, if this is even possible. Anyone have any ideas?