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Discussion List
Export comments based on date criteria with primary as label
Requirement: * 1. Ability to filter comments by date range for export - for example today's comments associated with the rows on a specific report * 2. Ability to display primary field as a label in the exported comments We use smartsheets to manage tickets. When we hold a meeting, the above output would essentially be the…
Auto Check for Checkbox
Need to ensure that a checkbox is auto checked once a task name is inserted into a new row, but can be unchecked if other boxes are checked. I have reports that use certain check boxes to be checked and if somebody forgets to check the initial "not started" column checkbox, it will not show up in an employees report. I…
Sharing reports with free users - content not populating..?
From admin users in our paid team account (based in the office), I am sharing reports with free users (in the field). Up until recently this has worked flawlessly. As of a few days ago, the free users can still see the reports that is being shared with them - but no content is populating. I've tried deleting their access…
Can recurring update requests for multiple lines be filtered by complete?
We have a recurring update request sent weekly with all the rows that are assigned to a person (the person is not a licensed user). The person has to scroll through all the rows each time, even if the task is already marked as complete on a prior week. My question is, can the automatic recurring update request only send…
Email to smartsheet for helpdesk
Is it possible to have an email sent to a smartsheet. I want to use smartsheet for helpdesk, however it would be nice if users could send to an email account sometimes besides updating a webform.
Report Help
I am trying to build a report that is looking at one "DATE" column and shows everything that is between 45 to 90 days from today. The trouble I am having is getting it to be dynamic rather than changing the date everyday. Is this possible? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Jason
I cant find if this question has been asked before... Can we show Calendar view in Dashboard?
Basic percentage formula
=SUM[Invoiced Jobs]2:[Invoiced Jobs]50*0.2)) ..Not working ???
Using COUNTIF and MONTH() to Find a Specific Date
Hello: For a given set of rows with due dates: 04/03/17 04/28/17 04/03/17 04/03/17 06/01/17 04/03/17 05/17/17 05/17/17 04/28/17 I need a formula that will count up all those due in April. I am working with the following formula, but it is not quite right yet: =COUNTIF(DueDate:DueDate, @cell MONTH(DueDate:DueDate) = 4) Can…
Unknown Workspace In Report. Not Showing all Data
So we have a manager here who builds reports for his employees and shares those reports. However, we ran into a peculiar issue yesterday. One of the employees reports stopped showing all data. So the manager shared the report with me (I am admin and owner of all sheets on the report) When I click the report, absolutely no…