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Discussion List
Drop Down Notifications
Hello, I would like to create a sheet for employee onboarding. In that sheet I want to have drop downs for supervisor names. I would then want the smartsheet to email the supervisor that was selected. Is there a way I can do this?
In the attached sheet an error is showing in my IF(AND statement? [Current Month Sales] shows $0.00 instead of a "" (Blank cell). Thanks in advance <IFRAME WIDTH=1000 HEIGHT=700 FRAMEBORDER=0 SRC="https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=fccbf4d16b7442f9bd0160a985e4e494"></IFRAME>
Smartsheet API Webhook basics
I want to update a note in Nutshell CRM when a smartsheet comment is updated. I'm just focusing on the smarsheet webhook at this point, and I have read the webhooks section on the smartsheet API documentation and I still have no idea how to send the request. Where does this stuff go? curl…
SmartSheet keeps Folding Up Sheets
Not sure what I've done to cause this behavior, but SmartSheets seems to keep wanting to close my "visible" sheet into the "..." tab even though I have ample window space. Everytime I select a new sheet, the current visible sheet folds up under the "..." tab. Is this a setting? My computer getting confused as to the width…
How do i return.....?
How do i get [Current Month Sales] to return a (blank cell) instead of $0.00 <IFRAME WIDTH=1000 HEIGHT=700 FRAMEBORDER=0 SRC="https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=fccbf4d16b7442f9bd0160a985e4e494"></IFRAME>
Send Update Request
Hello All I want to share an exciting SS discovery! I am currently doing the Smartsheet Project Management course. The send Update Request function will truly transform my work life. This option does not require the person being requested information to log into smartsheet to answer the specific questions I require…
Automation RYG Balls
Hello I am working on formula which give me following: When I change Column B to (InProgress, Complete, or Risk) My Column A will change to (Red, Yellow, or Green). Also If there are any Red in the children, I want to show Red in the parent, If there are no Red but there are Yellow in the children, Show Yellow in the…
Want to return (blank cell) instead of $0.00 ???
=SUMIFS([Value of Jobs]2, [Sales Stage]2, "WON", Result2, 1, [Sold Date]2, MONTH(@cell) = MONTH(TODAY()), [Sold Date]2, YEAR(@cell) = YEAR(TODAY()))
RYG Formula...
Looking for assistance. I am looking for a formula that adds the total number of individually RYG in a column that automatically populates a separate cell in a separate column. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks. - Erik
Link data into a cell out of an attachment
Hi, Is it possible to get a cell auto populated from data in an attachment in the form of a PDF or Excel? Our goal is to reduce manual capturing of data that continually changes. Y