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Discussion List
Formula Help
Hi try to get a formula to do this. If “DATE PAID” is blank, copy balance from “TOTAL CHARGES”
Using SmartSheets for small team Project Management - Looking for advice
We are starting to utilize SmartSheets for a small team, light weight Project Mangement solution. It meets our core needs well and I've read up enough to understand some of the basic strategies around setting up a framework in Smartsheets. Where we are struggling now is lower level tracking and collabortion. When doing…
Adding free collaborators to resource view
Hi, in oredr to plan 3rd party resources who don't have SmartSheet we wonder if we can invite them as free collaborators to be able to have them assigned to tasks and check their resource allocation. On a broader level it can be imageined as "virtual users". There is no need for them to use SmartSheet anyway but we must be…
Follow a Row
Hi There I was wondering if there is a way that a collaborator can follow a specific row? For example, they are not assigned the task, but it is critical that they get notified when there is an update or change to that task. However, they don't want or need to know about changes made elsewhere in the sheet. Many thanks…
How do I count new rows from web forms?
Hello, I'm trying to count new rows that come in on a web form below a specific row using a formula. How do I start my formula range on a specific row, then count all new rows that are below it as they come in from the webform? We use a webform to receive quotes from subcontractors. As they come in, they are moved up to be…
index and Match
Hi Community Im having an issue with index and match 4 i have imported from Excel the sheet is set as follows Item Name Vendor name 1 vendor rate 2 etc, Example Item #102 Rate on vendor 1 20.00 rate on vendor 2 25.00 then i have a coulmn calculating the best price =min on vendor 1-vendor 2 and by best name i want it to…
% complete manipulation
Is it possible to have a second % complete column that somewho only shows what % of work for child tasks that have a start date that is <= Today. So basically I want to know what % of work is complete that should have already started. I would only use this formula on the top level parent row of the whole project and it…
keeping answers on different students together for different teachers
I am sending out a web form ~ having different teachers fill it out for different students. Can I keep all the answers together for the 50 different teacher specifically?
Managing Allocation % for Many Projects
I have a task that takes me 2 hours to complete, but I have 4 business days to complete that item. So, I have a start date of 02/04/17 and a due date of 02/08/17, so the duration column automatically shows up as 4 days. If the % Allocation column defaults to 100%, in the Resource Views tool, it looks like for 4 days, I’m…
Collapsing rows on report
Good day, Is it possible to collapse rows on a report? Y