Multiple contacts selected to a task - calculating costs of effort
Hi, I have hourly rates for employees that are in the contact list. I calculate the costs of tasks assigned to a single contract with with no problem. However where multiple contact are assigned I cannot find a way to split out the contacts selected to then allow me to calculate their costs at individual rates Fred £10 per…
Sumifs not working when referencing another sheet
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? This formula doesn't want to work when I'm referencing another sheet. =SUMIFS({VI FTE Needs}, {VI Start Date}, >=DATE(2023, 1, 1), {VI End Date}, <=DATE(2023, 1, 31), {VI Project Status}, <>"Closed") Thank you in advance!
IFERROR not working correctly
I'm trying to use the IFERROR function and it doesn't seem to be working. I have two cells feeding off of each other and I'm not sure if that's playing into it. We have one cell that they can pick the quarter or it will automatically fill in if there is a date plugged in. I also have it set up to fill in a date if the…
How do I stop a time-based reminder once an action has been completed?
Hi, I'm using a Form to pull information about different tasks and using time-triggered reminders for recipients until the task is completed. I want to avoid continued reminders after the task has been completed by using an automation to cancel the reminder, but haven't found a workable solution so far. Any ideas on how to…
Sheet Summary Formula Update
how do I create a formula in the sheet summary that updates the total amount of the column as numbers are added. I assume it is a SUM formulat, but i'm having a hard time setting it up to update everytime a new line is added.
linked sheet update
HI, I am creating a sheet for our billing department. The sheet is based on the information entered/updated on another sheet. I did link the entire column of the main sheet but the information is not updating when the main sheet updates. As the screenshot below, is the one that I made for the billing department. What did I…
Doing a count of values in one column based on values in another column
Hi, I am trying to count the values in one column based on the the value in another column being true. If the value in the first column is not blank, count all the values in the second column that equal "A". This is referencing data in another sheet. I get incorrect argument. Any suggestions? =COUNTIF({GH Informatics RASCI…
Crosscheck code lives in source sheet
Hi There, I need help, would like to see if possible to set up formula to crosscheck the code lives in different source sheet and get result YES/NO in Target sheet. I do have 9 source sheet & 1 target sheet. All the sheets (total 10) that is having unique common code it can be the key value. I tried to combine 9 sheets to…
Return the last value or latest value for a specified product
Hi, I am trying to return the most recent value for any part description Vlookup always gets the first one, any idea on how to 99 from the example below without sorting the data .. as the rows will be added automatically to this sheet from another sheet and they always go to the bottom row Thank you
Sumif Formula Question
I have a sheet containing a Time Block column as well as a Type column. Both are dropdown columns one with time in hours (.24, .5, .75, 1, 2 and so on), the other has types of activities (Dev Meeting, General Admin, and so on). I am trying to build a formula that adds the time for each activity by the month. I can't get…