Cross referencing multiple forms using a formula?
Hello there, I have a destination sheet, where I need to reference 3 types of data from 2 other support sheets that I have made. Those are (cost of airfare, date travel was booked, and cost on non-airfare). One of the support sheets has a form that will record airfare cost, and travel date booked from recipients. The other…
Conditional Formula Help
Hello! I am trying to write a formula that is based on status and end date columns that will return an "in progress" or "overdue" status. I need it to contemplate the following: If the drop down for the status column is one of the following: blank, "not started," "on hold," "blocked," or "in progress" AND the end date…
#CALCULATING Error - Incorrectly Stating Over 100000 Cells Referenced
Good morning, I am receiving a #CALCULATING error for the below formula: =COUNTIFS({Mobile Unit Data Form Range 15}, =1, {Mobile Unit Data Form Range 3}, "EMPLOYEE", {Mobile Unit Data Form Range 1}, AND(IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = MONTH(TODAY()), IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY()))) Range 15 is a checkbox, Range 3 is…
How can I get the sum of one column meeting two conditions
Trying to get multiple conditions and sum up total billable. Where Manager = John Smith in one column and Invoice Date = January in another column Getting the #UNPARSEABLE error =SUMIFS(AND(Manager:Manager, "John Smith", Invoice Date:Invoice Date, MONTH(@cell) = 1), [Billable Total]:[Billable Total])
Formula Help - Remaining Hours To Be Worked In A Term, Equally Spaced Out Monthly
All, You've always been good to me. I'm hoping to get across the finish line for a formula I've been working on. Here's what I have: * Start Date, End Date, Working Days within that range (could be one week, could be ten years) * Remaining Hours (total hours necessary to be worked within the Start & End Date) I need a…
Is it possible to merge same resource names while building a leave planner in smartsheet?
Hi - I have made a simple planned to record team leaves. Though the grid view gives great insight, the issue is that multiple entries by the same resource appears in different rows and grid. Is there a way I could merge data from a single resource into the same row and hence same row in the grid as well? Here's a…
Comparing multiple data sets
Hi all, I'm attempting to compare data sets between 3 different sheets. Basically I want to compare our internal data to the clients data. The common denominator between all 3 sheets is a claim number, the dates in the columns though will likely be different, and my goal is to identify which claim numbers have dates that…
Only pull newest value of primary column into report
I use a grid smartsheet with form input to track audits for locations within my hospital. I need to keep all the inputs in the tracker, but only have the most recent audit appear in my report. Help!
Don't want to show the DataMesh Lookup Value
Is there a way to use the DataMesh Lookup Value (in this case an employee ID #) to match rows but not actually INCLUDE the Lookup Value on the target sheet (or at lease make it not viewable)? I want to share information on the target sheet with groups of people that are not in our department without sharing the employee ID…
COUNTIF with multiple criteria, referencing another sheet
I am trying to use a COUNTIF formula that will allow me to count the number of status items (status column) linked the Helen (name column) that are marked as complete. Essentially, I want to be able to count how many status items Helen has completed. Can someone assist with this forumla? Each time I try, I get a parsing…