Counting cells with certain criteria and within the last year
I have to count how many cells contain a certain value, and have occurred in the last year. Example: Count of all closed projects within the last year Project 1 Closed 1/2/23 Project 2 Closed 1/2/21 Project 2 Open 1/2/24 What is the right formula? In excel you can use and count if ( >=date() - 365) or something like that.…
Countifs formula with and/or criteria across multiple columns
I need to set up a COUNTIFs formula that counts data if Column 1 contains a red circle and Column 2 or 3 or 4 contains a value. How do I differentiate the three columns that have the OR option in my formula? Thank you in advance for your help/guidance!
Alert when new row is added and send row to someone
I am looking for a way to automate the following situation. I have a very large sheet that is periodically updated. I want to be able to generate a report/notification of any new or changed rows from the past month. I want that notification to include all the details of the new/changed row(s) such that they can be easily…
Any way to automate a copy/paste into a date column?
In our schedule file, we have 3 date columns: Baseline Finish Date, Planned Finish Date, and Actual Finish Date. The Baseline Finish Date is what is originally planned but may not always be accurate, so we use the Planned Finish Date to drive up-to-date planning and reporting. This column is linked out to the high-level…
Autofill cells when new line is created
Hello, I'm trying to figure out if, when a new line is getting filled out on my SS, can a workflow be created that will autofill a certain cell within that row to a particular choice within that dropdown list? In other words, someone enters a new row and starts filling out the required info. As soon as that info is…
Automatically add dated rows to a sheet
We manually create metric summaries to report out monthly metrics to more easily chart monthly measure data. That summary sheet has a format like below and each row contains SUMIF formulas that aggregates data from other sheets: Month_Ending (Date) : Metric1: Metric2: Metric3: Metric4 Currently, this process requires that…
Cell linking and removing cell links
Hi I have a client that has created cell links on her sheet, however now she wants to remove the cell links but is unable to remove them in one big Column highlighted feature, she needs to go into every single cell and remore/delete the links. Am I missing something here, is there a way to remove cell links per column and…
Autonumbering including sub-items (indented/outdented)
Hi, I am fairly new to Smartsheet, and would like to autonumber as shown in the image; I have found this possible solution (https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/4050/auto-numbering-sub-items), but I is this the ONLY option? It seems like a basic task to me.
IF Formula calculation Error
Hi I have the following formula, which works up to a certain point. Let me explain. =IF(ISBLANK([Original Total Cost]@row), "No", IF([Actual Total Cost]@row > [Original Total Cost]@row, "Yes", "No")) When the Original Total Cost value is >the Actual Total Cost, the answer is "Yes" - perfect, that's what I need. When the…
Formula for date when a box is checked
I am trying to write a formula that will enter the date when a checkbox is checked. I have an automation set up but it needs to be updated every month so I thought I could write a simple formula to enter the date (approval date) when the box is checked by the approver