Legacy Resource Management & Multiple Contacts
Hi Community, I am working on a project that has several sheets. The sheets have multiple tech's assigned to each project on the same row. Does Legacy Resource Management not work if the contact column is shared? I'm missing quite a number of my resources whom are all part of my account. Thank You!
What must the formula look like so that the results correspond to the filter?
I would like to recreate the query of a filter with a formula. The formula should display the same number of hits found as the filter. This is what my formula looks like. =COUNTIFS({Projektliste Bereich 1}; OR(@cell = "on going"; @cell = "on hold"; @cell = "finished"; @cell = "abschließen"; @cell = "stopped"; @cell = "Teil…
Automation email not sending
I have an automation set up that will not send for some reason. I have "Send to everyone shared to this sheet" but it doesn't seem to send unless I manually "run now".
Multi Row Automation for Reply
Hi all Going to try and explain my question but to word it seems difficult. I work within resourcing and i am trying to build an automation that will automatically answer the request after all the dates are fulfilled with resource, however i DONT want it to send individual rows when the request has been sent as a group of…
Index, Match formula problem
Hi, I have an index, match problem and I cannot seem to work it out. On Sheet- Asset Tracker, from the smartsheet templates, I have assets listed. I have added a concatenated the column Asset Short Descriptor with a formula concatenating information from asset make, asset bldg abbrv, and asset room num. I have copied all…
How would you combine the CONTAINS or HAS function with a SUMIFS formula?
I am trying to create a formula which sums the total number of machines we have delivered for certain projects, but in the "Project Name" column, we have different stages of the same project which I want to combine. E.g. Project Pearl 1.1 - 5 machines delivered Project Pearl 1.2 - 5 machines delivered Project 1.3 - 5…
Add specific column data to a sheet
I have seven (7) sheets that track dates for activities in our facilities. Not all seven sheets have the exact same columns but they all have certain columns that I would like to consolidate onto a master sheet for reporting and metrics. The copy row automation, as you already know, copies the data for all of the columns.…
I may just be missing the logic but I am looking to check two sheets for duplicates within a sheet. I keep getting a syntax error when writing the following; =IFERROR(IFERROR(COUNTIF(Address:Address, Address@row)>1,1,0,(COUNTIF({Con. Install. Track Arch Address}:{Con. Install. Track Arch Address},Address@row)>1,1,0)),0)
Cross Sheet Reference Issue - Renamed Sheet Reference
Greetings, I am running into an issue with a cross-sheet reference in a Max Collect formula. Below is the intended formula: =MAX(COLLECT({Vision Media 2023 Customer Billing Tracker Range 2}, {Vision Media 2023 Customer Billing Tracker Range 1}, "Fulfillment - Physical", {Vision Media 2023 Customer Billing Tracker Range 2},…
Counting number of times Name appears in multiple contact column
I have a column set up as a multiple contact to capture all authors on a journal publication. I would like to use a formula that will count the total number of times a specific name appears in then column. I have tried =COUNTIF({ALL AUTHORS},"John Doe"), but I know it does not yield all of the times the name appears. I…