Iferror with networdays
I've used IFERROR successfully in the past, but for some reason I can't get it to work with this formual: =NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Request due date]@row, {Holidays}) * 8 I've tried: =IFERROR(NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Request due date]@row, {Holidays}) * 8), "" =IFERROR(NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Request due date]@row, {Holidays})) *…
Hi all, What is the best way to combine each "Catalog" row with a "Status" of new in the Concatenate Catalog? I would like a coma to separate each catalog. Thank you.
Formula for countdown symbols
I'm wanting to use the Empty Quarter...Full symbols to act as a clock for when a contract is about to end, but I'm having difficulty with the formula. Hoping someone can help. I have 4 columns: Execution/Begin date, Contract End Date, Total Contract Time, and Days Until End Date. Days until End Date is using the formula…
Identify Row with Most Recent Date for a Value with Fewer Cell References
I have a sheet that has reached the cell reference limit and won't allow other sheets to copy rows into it. After doing some research it seems that my column references (column:column) within my formulas are the problem. My sheet contains a unique identifier in the column "ID", and there is a reported date column (we are…
Index/Match working for some of the entries, but not all
Hello, I have a list of LMS students who register via form. When a student registers, I have an Index/Match on both the last name of the person and the email address and compare it to my master list. If they both exist, a number appears in the Current In System column. If not, it says #NO MATCH. Here's the issue, all these…
#Date Expected Error
Hi, I have 2 sheets - 1 is for active projects and the other is for completed. They both have the same columns. One the active sheet my month helper formula =IFERROR(MONTH([Date Update Request]@row), 0) works perfectly. On the completed sheet, it returns a #DATE EXPECTED error. The columns are all date columns. Any ideas?
Calendar View - Dates in multiple columns within the same row
I see old responses to this question but nothing recent thought I thought I would ask. I have a spreadsheet with dates in multiple columns. They may not be consecutive so I can't use the range function. Is there any way to show each date as an individual date on the calendar? I tried to make each column its own sheet by…
Metric sheet used for Dashboard not updating correctly
I have been using this feature for a while now and I have been relying on refreshing the metric sheet manually but I think there should be a better way to have this done. I have two issues - one is with a countdown formula where I am using the Today function. Unless I open this sheet, the formula does not get updated…
Combining Multiple IF AND Statements
Hello, I am trying to combine the 3 statements into one. They all work independently however, I am missing something when I try to combine them. These each check a checkbox if the statement is true. Help Please! =IF(AND([Trans date falls w/in Black-out Period]@row = 1, [Covered Person?]@row = "Yes"), 1, 0) =IF(AND([Covered…
Confusion With Using Comparison Operators on Dates
I want to use conditions to mark rows where the date is within the past 30 days, in just trying to test this out I made a column of properly formatted dates and am referencing them in an IF formula: =IF(Date@row > TODAY(-30), "True", "False") Today's date is 4/20/2023 so TODAY(-30) returns 03/21/23. When Date@row =…