Formula errors: "flashing" #BLOCK errors and formula referencing wrong rows
Hi All, I have some sheets that have some heavy formulas and there are two issues: Whenever I update a cell (without formula) the entire sheet just start "flashing" with #BLOCK errors in pretty much all cells with formula and then these errors disappear after 5-10 seconds or so, but that's with every single update. I think…
Auto-populating a drop down
I would like to have a field get automatically updated based on x days from a specific date in a date field. Status is "not started" in field A Due date is 8/1/2023 in field B Today's date reaches 6/1/2023 or x days our from field B, field A is updated to initiated. Is this possible?
Would like to calculate delay reason
Hi , I can get delay days from the "variance" column, but I want to find out maximum delay from this and paste it in the first row of "delay Reason" say for example in screenshot its Raw material, I want to put the "Raw material" the first row. One condition here, "scope changed" shouldn't consider as delay. Please help me…
Hello, I am using a formula that works to calculate the number of working days left to the Original or Revised Due date: =IF([Revised Due Date]@row = "", NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Original Due Date]@row), IF([Revised Due Date]@row <> "", NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Revised Due Date]@row))) but I would like to add a condition: If the…
Formula to calculate fiscal quarter
Hello! I am trying to create an IF statement to show the federal fiscal quarter an event occurred. Could someone please help troubleshoot my syntax? Federal Quarters: Q1: Oct, Nov, Dec (10, 11, 12) Q2: 1, 2, 3 Q3: 4, 5, 6 Q4: 7, 8, 9 Not working syntax =IF(MONTH([6m NOMs Date]@row) = >10, 1, IF(MONTH([6m NOMs Date]@row) <…
SUMIFS Referencing another Sheet
Good Evening, Im currently stuck and trying not to bang my head against a wall. im currently trying to sum the total number of hours based upon 2 sets of criteria. One of the criteria has a name, and the other is within a date range (such as January). I currently have below and it sends back a 0 on the calculation, any…
Solution for Cross Reference Limit Error?
Is there a solution for saving a metric sheet once you've hit the unique100 cross-reference limit? I tried splitting the sheet into sections and savings as new, but still received the error even there are less than 10 cross references in the new sheet. Then I turned to previous community posts. It looks like the "fix" is…
is there a way to find out if i am near 100,000 total limit of cells referenced in cross-sheet
is there a way to find out if i am near 100,000 total limit of cells referenced in cross-sheet references (for the index match)?
Can SmartSheet Count & Return all other values besides "X"
Hello Everyone, I have a metrics sheet that is counting specific text ("Alpha") from a source sheet with the following formula: =COUNTIFS({Supplier}, Description@row, {Status}, "On Order") **This works** Ideally, I would like to count all the non-blank cells that do not have "Alpha" inputted. Can this be accomplished?…
OR(HAS Function - limits to criteria?
I just learned from a ProDesk session that we needed to use HAS rather than CONTAINS, since will have more than one entry in a cell. However, we have one set of counts for three criteria in a cell. When I added the third one to the formula, it returned Unparsable. Is there a cap on how many HAS criteria you can count?…