How can I get the cell to remain blank instead of returning a 0?
Hello Community, I'm hoping someone can please advise - how I would adjust my formula to leave the cell blank if the result is 0? =COUNTIFS({DC UPS Progress}, "Unscheduled", {Core OpCo}, "NSP", {DC UPS Year}, "2022", {DC UPS Scope?}, 1)
Get Unique Record Pairings
I have a sheet that tracks the name of sub-contractors with the name of their business, and a column indicating the agency that sub-contractor works with. A single sub-contractor, Joe, from ABC Company, may work with Agency 123 and Agency 789, while Sally from ABC Company may work with Agency 567. What I want to get to is…
How to calculate the date given the year and yearday?
I basically want the inverse of YEARDAY(date) function. If I have the 1-365 year day number and the year, is it possible to create a formula to result in the DATE?
Formula to display each month and year of biennium
I am needing help with a formula to display the text month and year or the numeric month and year of each month of a biennium. I am currently developing a "template" metric sheet that will pull data from a report containing various months from the biennium. From this a dashboard will be developed. The metrics sheet…
I need a formula to enter text in a cell when a value in another cell is between a range of numbers.
I am stuck on this formula. When the Hand Sink Temp column is less than 100 or greater than 110, enter 'alert' in the Hand Sink Temp Alert column. This is what I have tried as I have a similar situation where the formula works. This scenario is just enough different that I keep getting UNPARSABLE. =IF(AND(Hand Sink…
I am trying to extract the first letter.
Hi Community, I need to extract the first letter from other cell. Please check the formula and help me. Please help me to get the correct values, If 'e' represents in the duration column then it should be '7' else '5' Thanks In Advance! Cheers!!
Countifs Error for 3 references
I am trying to get a metrics report for a dashboard for a log with multiple test cycles and multiple data. My metrics are by Status (New, Open, Cancelled, Assigned to Vendor, etc) Each of the Status options has to be filtered by the testing cycle which is either SIT or Deferred to SIT (I know I will have to do the same…
#Invalid Operation in basic formula in some cells - please help
Hi everyone, I need some help with a helper column I created to resolve an issue. I am currently pulling together 4 non-adjacent multiple-contact columns into one string by using =[column1]1 + [column2]1 + [column3]1 + [column4]1 in a text/number column which displays all the names in one string (thank you @Paul Newcome!)…
Inconsistent Formula Error
Have you came across this situation? I am working on a formula to calculate base on month and staff. The same formula only works for some staff and I am wondering what went wrong. I am using exactly the same formula for both staff. But one is showing #Invalid Data Type (in our formula we use "ERROR" to indicate if there is…
How do I : Evaluate 2 cells and show result based on combined values
I could use some help on formula development for the following condition. I have 2 columns of information and I want to show a result in a 3rd column based on based on the values in the other 2 columns. (see attached image for context) If the value in the "ROAM status" column = resolved, then I would like the risk watch to…