Index Collect with date within 7 days
Here is the setup: I have two sheets: November Schedule (where the formula will live) Columns Completion Date (Date Column) Hidden Lead Tech (Formula lives here) Historical Roster Columns Created (Date Column) Lead Tech {Historical Roster Range 1} is the Lead Tech column {Historical Roster Range 2} is the Created column I…
Add Numbers, Based On Variables, Up Until A Checkbox Is Checked
Hello all. Got a formula request I'm not smart enough to answer. Currently, we're using this formula to track total hours worked (for training purposes). Basically, add up all numbers in this column based on these parameters. Previously, this formula wasn't an issue since the moment an operator cleared a position they…
Sumifs totals - how to carry formula to other columns
I am using a sumifs formula with the same criteria to total 15 columns on my sheet. How do I carry this formula to other columns to maintain the criteria and sum up the total of the column it was carried to? I saw posts from 2018 saying this wasn't possible. Is there newer information on this? I appreciate any help you can…
Change Symbol based on date / clear if blank
I'm wanting the symbol to change based on the date field. If date is today (or in the past), Red If date is tomorrow, turn Yellow If date is past tomorrow (in the future), Green If date is blank, Blank - No color/Symbol This was working to some degree, and somehow I broke it.... :) =IF([Scheduled End Date]@row <= TODAY(),…
Subtracting Velocity Point(s) Value in row, and in column
I am wanting to create a column in my project workflow that will show how many story points I have remaining for the sprint or release. I have a snap shot of the sheet that shows Checkbox column for Started and Done, a Status column based on checkbox on or off, Velocity(story points) and remaining velocity. Hidden is the…
Automatic Due Date
This might be a stretch but going to put it out there. This is my situation. Each manager has a sheet with their individual employees and what cost centers they are projected to work in for the upcoming quarter. They were sent a notification to update the sheet triggered by the date of 2 weeks prior to the due date of the…
Find and replace or substitute
Hello, What is the best way to turn ###-###-#### into ########## ? Some entries have parentheses, dashes or spaces, but it needs to pull just the numbers. I figured it would be either find and replace or substitute, but I'm not sure if I need an additional app to do those. Any help would be appreciated!
Nested Index/Match works but getting #No Match would like to return blank but can't get formula
=IFERROR(INDEX({Braden's Project List Range 4}, MATCH(Project@row, {Braden's Project List Range 3}, 0)), INDEX({Braden's Project List Range 2}, MATCH(Project@row, {Cody's Residential Project List}, 0)), "")
Hi Community, I always struggle with the status formulas. There are 5 status points: Not started - identified by the [DATE HA WAS ASSIGNED] (I want it so if the cell is blank it results as Not Started). In Progress - HA - identified by the [DATE HA WAS ASSIGNED] (I want it so if there is a date entered the status changes…
What is wrong with my formula??
The first part of the formula works because I made changes (putting in one date in [Panel Date]2) to the sheet to get one of the true_values in the IF function and it came back correct, but when I try to make the same changes farther down my sheet (adding a date to [Panel Date]6) that matches the rest of the formula, this…